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Climate Change - People Change?
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

CLIMATE CHANGE - PEOPLE CHANGE? (CCPC) is a project that looks at the way Climate Change is impacting on partner countries, the challenges experienced by by carbon emission targets following the Paris Agreement, and the involvement of young people in addressing these challenges. The project focuses on exchange of good practice in communicating these challenges to young people and addressing the empowerment of young people to get involved in decision-making.CONTEXT: • Paris Agreement, targets for carbon emissions, country targets for 2020, 2030 and 2050. • Each country is different, has different challenges• There is no international network of organisations focused on youth and climate change.NEEDS: • Young people to get involved in climate change, to understand the implications. • Motivating young people, approach to training on climate change. • The need to work together internationally, learn from one another, exchange experiences.AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: Aim is international cooperation and exchange of knowledge in order to establish good practice in motivating and empowering young people to get involved in issues associated with climate change.Objectives• To form partnership between Ireland , Croatia and Italy• To exchange information and identify good practice• To develop resources to contribute to education and motivation of young people re climate change• Build relationships between young people in the partner countries • Promote active citizenship among young participants.TARGET GROUPS: Participant organisations, participants, youth organisations, young people in general, educators, trainers, general public.PROJECT CONSORTIUM1. Good Energies Alliance Ireland (GEAI) Lead organisation. Research, advocacy, education and campaigning against the continued use of fossil fuels and towards combating climate change.2. DOOR (Croatia): Awareness-raising, education and policy work. Renewable energy sources, efficiency, climate poverty3. Legambiente (Italy): Making environmental culture the centre of a new kind of development and well-being.4. Youth Work Ireland Galway: Advocacy, youth services, providing information about youth activities.ACTIVITIES18 month project. 1. Five project partnership meetings to build relationships, explore the challenges experienced by participant countries following the Paris Agreement and compare good practice in communicating re climate change to young people and motivating them to get involved. 2. One blended mobility event for young people from the three partner countries. The participants will get to know each other. They will learn about the challenges faced by each other's countries by climate change, attend workshops exploring good practice in communicating climate change to young people, and make recommendations for future action. They will visit an interesting project using renewable energy sources and also receive accreditation through Youthpass.METHODOLOGY• Communication and dissemination. All partners have access to Internet and we will communicate on a regular basis by Skype, phone, email etc. We will also have a project Facebook Page where all partners will have the opportunity to publicise their activities and relevant events. A website will also be constructed to capture the outputs of the project. Young people will be encouraged to get involved in all aspects of the project.• Face-to-face meetings. Five project meetings will take place in the three partner countries to build relationships, explore good practice and deliver on outputs. It is expected that each partner project team will include at least one young person.• Blended Mobility week. 24 young people from the partner countries will share the experience of climate change in their countries, learn from one another and make suggestions for active citizenship initiatives in the future. The event will focus on building relationships, peer learning and empowerment of young people.IMPACT Awareness by young people of challenges posed by Climate Change, appreciation of climate justice issues and the diversity of the challenges, and empowerment to get involved in decision-making.POTENTIAL LONGER BENEFIT• Raising of capacity of partners to work on EU/international level* Development of leadership skills among the young participants and new initiatives created on climate change.• Further development of partnership between the participating organisations.• Developing a larger-scale project to involve more countries in addressing the involvement of young people with climate change issues.
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3 Partners Participants