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ClimAct - Climate action campaign for low-income households (LIFE)
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2020 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background Action by Member States is essential to reach the EU climate protection targets for 2030 and 2050. Climate change mitigation plans often overlook the barriers to participation facing low-income households. A demonstration project focusing on this target group could have an important multiplier effect across the EU. Objectives The overall objective of the LIFE - ClimAct project is to initiate changes in the everyday behaviour of low-income households, a target group particularly vulnerable to the consequences of climate change. By actively engaging low-income groups in climate protection, the project will also raise living standards and reduce energy bills. Specific project actions will include: Disseminating climate protection starter kits to low income families. The kits will include measures to save energy (e.g. LED lamp, multiple plug connector) and to reduce emissions (e.g. bike repair kit); Providing free advice to low income households at home about easily adaptable options for saving energy (electricity, hot water, heating), encouraging the use of public transport and consumption/purchasing/nutrition; and Communicating special offers, events and sponsorships organised by electricity utility companies, transport companies and public bodies. Expected results: The project expects to achieve the following results: Draft regional and national climate protection and energy saving strategies that will significantly contribute to CO2emissions reductions; Organise 40 workshops to empower low-income households to save energy, reduce bills and protect the climate. Some 600 people will take part in the workshops and 1 080 climate protection starter kits will be distributed; Train 60 volunteer counsellors to provide a free ‘Climate Protection & Save Energy-Check’ to low income households. The trained counsellors will make a total of 3 240 home visits; Organise seven seminars attended by a total of 210 stakeholders working in the fields of energy, counselling, real estate and politics; Raise awareness through a comprehensive communication strategy, including a project video, as well as obligatory LIFE project communications activities; and Create stable long-term partnerships through networking.Successful implementation of the project’s initiatives could reduce energy use by a total of 1 112 670 kWh per year and CO2 emissions by 358 512 tonnes per year.
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