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CLIL in Pre-primary Education: Building a network of good CLIL practice
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The aim of the project is to support one of the recent reforms in the Cyprus Educational system: the introduction of a foreign language in pre-primary education through the implementation of a CLIL approach. This forward-looking innovation requires a series of support measures in order to be implemented effectively. The Department of Primary Education is working towards ensuring a number of important factors which can facilitate the successful implementation of CLIL in pre-primary education. Such factors are the training and support of teachers and the production of teaching materials.This project aims to support these efforts and to help towards a successful implementation of CLIL in pre-primary education. Specifically, the project aims to:a) train a core group of pre-primary teachers so that they can confidently and effectively implement CLIL b) train education officials (e.g. Inspectors) who work with pre-primary education so that they can support the implementation of CLIL in the schools they work withc) develop the CLIL capacity of the consortium members, enabling the participating pre-primary schools to act as centres of regional CLIL pre-primary school networks in the educational districts of Cyprus (Larnaca, Limassol, Paphos, Nicosia, Ammochostos) b) develop a national CLIL network of good practice between the consortium members. The consortium members will function as a network to support each other and promote the sharing of good CLIL practice. The network will also incorporate newer CLIL schools and offer them support and mentoring. c) train experienced CLIL pre-primary teachers to become trainers or mentors and developers of CLIL educational materialse) create networks with CLIL schools, CLIL teachers and CLIL specialists in other European countries for further collaborationThe consortium is led by the Department of Primary Education and includes nine pre-primary schools from all the educational districts of Cyprus: Larnaca, Limassol, Nicosia, Paphos and Ammochostos. It brings together a range of roles and expertise as regards CLIL in pre-primary education; CLIL novice teachers and experienced CLIL teachers, inspectors and ministry education officers.The aim of improving local capacity in CLIL and ultimately creating a CLIL network of good practice which will be able to sustain and support CLIL implementation in pre-primary education will continue to benefit the education system long after the end of the project. The project’s aims are achieved through a variety of training activities carefully selected in order to address the needs of each group of participants. Such training activities are structured training courses for pre-primary teachers and different structured training activities for more experienced CLIL teachers in order for them to develop competences that can allow them to function as teacher trainers and developers of CLIL teaching materials. Education officials / inspectors will participate in customised training prepared according to their specific needs. This training will be offered by organisations in other countries which are more experienced in CLIL in pre-primary education and will include school visits, discussions with CLIL teachers, headteachers, CLIL experts and CLIL researchers and administrators.The impact of this project will be long lasting for Cyprus Education as it helps towards ensuring important success factors are in place for the implementation of foreign language learning in pre-primary education. The project will impact significantly on upgrading pre-primary education and contributing towards the modernisation and increased internationalisation of Cyprus Pre-primary Education.

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