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CLIL en el IES Pedro Mercedes
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

IES Pedro Mercedes is a High School that includes Compulsory Secondary Education, A levels, and Vocational Training in different areas of specialization: car industry, wood and furniture, personal image, management and treasury, information technology and forestry. 2015-2016 has been the first year teaching physical education with a bilingual method to the students of 1º ESO. We are involved in this program, so our teaching staff needs training in English language skills, not only in physical education area but also for the implementation of English language in other subjects. The main goals of the project can be summarized as: 1. Improvement of English language skills in teaching staff, and consequently in students. 2. Development of an integrated acquisition of English language and contents, without detriment to any of them. 3. Development of the European Dimension. A total of 7 teachers with 9 different mobilities (two of them have done two mobilties) have participated in these activities. These teachers aim to work at the development of CLIL Program and to improve their English language and new methodology skills. The following departments have been involved in these mobilities: – Physical Education: 3 teachers took part in 3 mobilities, one of them to improve English language skills and the other 2 to improve the knowledge of the CLIL Program. The reason of such mobilities is because this Department is teaching its subject in the English language. – Music Education: 1 teacher to improve English language skills. – Wood and furniture: 1 teacher. – FOL: 1 teacher took part in 2 mobilities – Information Technology: 1 teacher with 2 mobilities. The activities developed by IES Pedro Mercedes were the creation of a CLIL blog, where the different participants have published the most relevant aspects of their mobilities as well as the activities which have been carried out (a course for European Educators in Exeter, differences between the Spanish and the English Education System, Endurance in 3º ESO, Physical Fitness and Health in 3º ESO, Warm up in 3º ESO, Volleyball in 3º ESO, Physical condition in 2º ESO, Frisbee, Wood knowledge, Outdoor CLIL and Scaffolding Thinking Skills in CLIL). On May 9th, Day of Europe, thanks to the teachers Diego García and Nacho Cotillas’ proposal, the Day of Europe was celebrated in a special way, looking for partners in the e-twinning platform and greeting other European Community members saying “Happy European Day”. The students of 1º A level, who study History of the World, have taken part in a conference named: “30 years of Spain in the European Union”. An e-twinning group has been created. Here, teachers have published the different activities they have done and shared their knowledge with other teachers. The management team of IES Pedro Mercedes has issued a mobility document (Europass) to every teacher and mobility in order to acknowledge their training in a foreign country. To get the maximum impact and to be useful to the teachers in the European Commission, all the activities have been uploaded into Valor platform. The program benefits IES Pedro Mercedes with an improvement in the teachers’ knowledge, which will be implemented in the development of the linguistic programme, and with an improvement in our students’ English skills and interdisciplinary relationships of the educational staff. To sum up, the linguistic competence of students and teaching staff has improved. The competence in foreign European languages is a key factor in the students’ formation, which potentially enhances their job expectations, opens their mind to other cultures and countries and improves their motivation for learning. The English Department aims to work during the following courses to the elaboration of a CV, European Passport of Competences and Professional Certificate or Supplement Title to those involved in professional training, with the goal of an improvement in job expectations.

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