European Projects
Civic Art Laboratory to Promote European Citizensh..
Civic Art Laboratory to Promote European Citizenship, Democracy and Human Rights
Start date: Mar 17, 2014,
ArtLab (Civic Art Laboratory to Promote European Citizenship, Democracy and Human Rights) will host 12 volunteers from Programme Countries for 8 months in 4 communities in the Donetsk region of Ukraine.EVS Volunteers will be participants in a project that will use modern art to promoteEuropean Citizenship, raise awareness and serve as catalysts for change in conflict resolution,human rights, reconciliation and democracy among the youth in the Donetsk region.Through this project, EVS volunteers will be trained to use contemporary art in volunteer projectsand become proponents of European Citizenship, democracy, diversity, tolerance and humanrights in communities in and around Donetsk.Once trained, they will partner with Alliance’s partner organizations to implement their ownprojects in local communities. (Examples of small projects of mutual interest could include, butnot be limited to, concerts, plays, artistic projects, street universities, forum theatres, live libraries,creative writing, etc.)Participating in this project, EVS volunteers will learn and practice project management, volunteermanagement and will gain skills non-cognitive methodologies for awareness raising. They willalso share cross-cultural experiences with the youth in their program, especially sharing theirviewpoints in tolerance, human rights and diversity. Through working together, they willpromote EU values, volunteerism and share ideas with the youth in Ukraine.This project will also give EVS volunteers exposure to mass media, policy makers and educationalprofessionals, enabling them to broaden their professional skill sets and help them understandhow civic society works together to implement and influence change.