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City Twins Co-operation Network (City Twins)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Mar 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective is to foster local development in twin cities by developing cooperation between different city pairs and by introducing and disseminating best practices and action models in different sectors of local administration, e.g. welfare and health care, education, crime prevention, or labour. Achievements: The objective of the project is to foster local development in 10 twin cities by developing cooperation between these city pairs and by introducing and disseminating best practices and action models in different sectors of local administration, e.g. welfare and health care, education and technical issues. The implementation of the project activities started few months delayed in April 2004. Activities listed in the project programme have been completed and the main outputs have been achieved. Some new best practices were also discovered. LP has given operational and financial management instructions and it has been in close contact with all coordinators. Action plans for different components were made and working groups(=WGs) and subgroups carried out the activities. Meetings were held in different city pairs including workshops where actionplans and activities were elaborated. In CP3 the cultural event was held in Slubice in October 2005 with participants from 9 partner cities. Industrial workshops were carried out in CP4.The steering group was established and it had five meetings altogether. The last one was held in Imatra in September 2006. This group approved action plans for components. The evaluation group was established in spring 2005. Questionnairies were sent to over 100 persons and the evaluation reports for 2004, 2005 and 2006 are ready. In order to find out the best practices each WG prepared a background analysis from their sector. It consisted of a summary of different ongoing and already ended projects, survey of already existing practices, policies and instruments and a survey of the role of voluntary organisations among other things. Based on these reports each WG presented their best practices. A survey about knowledge of city twins was made in Helsinki Travel Fair. Project has produced 9 newsletters and created the website An internal intranet was established in order to improve internal communication. It includes i.a. a platform for internal communication with partners and a calendar of meetings. It is the database for all project documents. In order to get support from local, regional and governmental authorities and to get them committed to the project every WG has created a list of influental people (top 30), to whom the most important information of the progress and results of the project was delivered. Difficulties occurred in following matters: in 2004 the lack of co-financing, the lack of experience in international projects and insufficient knowledge of English. The Tacis CBC project was approved in June 2005 and since then the Russian partners have been able to participate with full speed. Tacis CBC partners are: Imatra-Svetogorsk and Narva-Ivangorod. The CP2 final conference was held in Tornio 11-12.10. and the final conference was held in Imatra in December 2006.

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  • 53.6%   808 536,81
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC North
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants