European Projects
CHS explores Europe
CHS explores Europe
Start date: Jun 1, 2014,
End date: May 31, 2015
CHS, Centrum Humanberuflicher Schulen des Bundes Villach, is a secondary vocational school providing higher education entrance qualification and comprises the following specializations:
- Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe (business administration)
- Höhere Lehranstalt für Kommunikation und Mediendesign (communication and media)
- Höhere Lehranstalt für Kunst und Gestaltung (arts)
- Höhere Lehranstalt für Modedesign und Grafik (fashion design)
Within the project "CHS explores Europe" 26 CHS students will complete their internship in various EU countries. The duration depends on the students' specialisation and varies between four and twelve weeks. All mobilities take place between 1 June and 28 September 2014. The receiving organisations are located in the UK, Italy, Malta and Germany. They are both long time partners of the sending organisation as well as new contacts thanks to the students' initiative.
19 of the students participating in the current CHS project attend the specialisation "Höhere Lehranstalt für wirtschaftliche Berufe", i. e. business administration and have a solid education in business, foreign languages, tourism and management. Five participants specialising in fashion design do their four-week internship in a fashion institute in Milan. Their education at CHS includes collection development and computer graphics. The remaining two CHS specialisations, communication/media and arts send one student each who will work in an advertising agency and a fashion studio. They have been especially trained in web design/publishing and textile/industrial design.
In the course of the project the 26 participating students are going to develop knowledge, skills and competences that qualify them for the following professions: restaurant management assistant, dressmaker, media designer and product designer.
All professional experiences gathered during the mobility activities are assessed, validated and accredited in the interchange between participants, receiving organisations and CHS. Therefore we apply the following ECVET documents: Learning Agreement, Memorandum of Understanding and Personal Transcript. Furthermore, the Europass Mobility document will be issued for all 26 participants.
As a secondary vocational school in the heart of the Alps-Adriatic region and located in the boarder area between Slovenia, Italy and Austria, CHS Villach is aiming at combining the theoretical and practical education of our students with professional training in a broader European context. CHS puts great emphasis on an education towards a sense of European citizenship and identity. The project "CHS explores Europe" aims at creating a network across different sectors - private, institutional/professional (schools and enterprises) and intercultural. The mobility activities of our students are clearly characterised through their orientation towards precise learning outcomes in the students' respective specialisations (see above) and most of all the sustainability of their results. Hereby "CHS explores Europe" wants to spark the students' passion for Lifelong Learning.