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"Чиста Европа" - чрез иновативни практики в агроекологията и биоземеделието
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ecology is the science of the future. It develops in a tight relation with the natural, technical and the agricultural sciences. The achievements in all scientific and technical areas are used in order to successfully solve the ecological problems in Europe. The common problems assign common tasks for solving before humanity. One of the ways to prevent an ecological crisis is to apply organic farming. The production of clean agricultural products leads to protection of the health of the people, the air, water, and soil. This has become a necessary requirement in Europe and in Bulgaria. The agricultural manufacturers receive bigger financing from the EU for creating organic farms and protecting the environment. In this way a decent life is provided not only for the present generation but for the next generations as well. Farming is not only one of the first human professions but also it is the most useful of all as a source of all virtues and the true wealth of a nation. Bulgarian glory has been and will be reborn in the Bulgarian village. The Agricultural High School, Sadovo has been preparing young experts in the area of agriculture for 130 years. In our region there are appropriate conditions for the production of field crops and that is main occupation for a big part of the population. The participants in this project are 20 students studying the following specialties: Agroecologist, Technician in Plant Growing, Agriculture Mechanization, and Agricultural Economy. There are educational and production practices for all in accordance with the curriculum. The mobility will be realized by work and apprenticeship in farms and enterprises in Germany that have proved their European level in production of organic agricultural production. The duration is 3 weeks in April 2015, which is enough to achieve the particular objectives: 1. To consolidate the knowledge of the students in the area of the field production and especially crops with flat surface /wheat, barley, corn, sunflower, colza and others/ which has been learned in the High School of Agriculture and to upgrade with European experience and traditions for growing organic agricultural production. 2. To expand the practical skills and competences of the participants in the area of ecology and environmental protection by organic farming. To take active participation in the application of the allowed pesticides from the EU in fighting diseases, pests and weeds; in measuring the air, water and soil pollution and recycling the agricultural production waste. 3. To improve the quality of the professional education by learning from the European experience in real working conditions in European organic farms. To provide opportunity for the students who have passed the training to work in the complete European labour market. 4. To build civil opinion of the beneficiaries on problems connected with global pollution and the sensible use of natural resources. 5. To acquire new language skills for communication and master the professional terminology. 6. To become part of cultural exchange and expand their horizons. 7. The participation in this program to be of help for the adaptation to the European working conditions and for the development of personal qualities like accuracy, punctuality, responsibility, tolerance and respect to the other peoples and cultures. 8. To improve teamwork skills. To achieve ‘synergy’ between the knowledge and skills acquired by each participant from the High School of Agriculture and the added innovative practices in Germany. The opportunity to apply these in the Bulgarian organic farms will lead to a ‘multiplying effect’. The activities in the training programme will be realized by observation, direct work and apprenticeship in Germany. The beneficiaries will acquire competences and experience in ecology and organic farming. Their participation will be connected with the usage of modern equipment for tillage, sowing, fertilizing, fighting with diseases and pests, treatment plants for air, water and soil protection, as well as recycling of agricultural production. Part of the activities will be related to storage, management and selling organic agricultural products. The language competences will be improved through direct communication and introduction to the history, culture, lifestyle and traditions of Germany. The expected results are connected with the strategy for the development of the Agricultural High School until 2020. By exchanging experience between the participants in the project and the European specialists in the area of organic farming and ecology, the young people will acquire new professional competences, international recognition for high qualification and better mobility and adaptability. Their professional, technological and social integration and competitiveness on the labour market will be improved both at home and abroad. They will acquire motivation for starting their own business and learning for life
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