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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the last few years Cremona Municipality set the goal to invest in the field of educational policies, in the valorisation of educational services and in the relationship between schools and local communities, in the perspective of the construction of a culture of attention to childhood, to promote interest and sense of belonging in the families in respect to the school services. A specific attention is dedicated in order to conserve and improve the quality of the first infancy services with the awareness that they represent an investment aimed to guarantee a successful education to the attending children, in particular to those who come from the most vulnerable social groups.The project aims to provide to the volunteer the opportunity to integrate within the municipal education facilities (4 nursery schools and 9 kindergartens). The municipal educational services accomodate about 1000 children and work on the basis of a consolidate pedagogical tradition. Very accurated aspects are the educational planning and the involvement of the families. Within the first infancy services, the volunteer will flank the teachers in the realisation of three kinds of workshops: a psychomotricity workshop, an artistic and expressive workshop and the activity of exposure to the foreign language and she will propose personal activities related with her skills and competencies.The project we propose aims to support and improve the quality of the educational offer in the city, thanks to the proposal of qualified workshop activities and through an always greater participation of the parents and the local community to the school life.The presence of a young volunteer is aimed to flank the consolidated expertise of the teachers and the social operators and to enrich them with the point of view of a person from another culture. The activities context is represented by the first infancy educational services, the volunteer will be in charge of: collaborating with the teachers for the workshop scheduling: research and arrangement of the work materials, arrangement and care of the work areas, management of the group of children (always with the teacher), observation of the group dynamics during the activities; participating to the coordination meetings and to the scheduling meetings; participating to the meetings and to the communication with the partents; collaborating on the drafting of the documentation related to the educational activity and to the collection of the documentation materials; collaborating on the organisation of school parties and small plays.Beside this, the volunteer will work, together with other young volunteers in service in other organisations of Cremona, for the promotion of EVS and of European topics and dimension. The desired impact of the project is related to: - interchange of competencies and point of view and mutual enrichment between the young volunteer and the teachers of the educational services - creation at the city level of a network of young volunteers able to promote the european dimension- provide the possibility to meet other young people and groups living in Cremona to discuss and to learn about intercultural dimension, integration and mutual understanding- diffusion of the experience through different communication tools and occasions (website, blogs, seminar) with the aim to increase the participation to EVS projects or other Erasmus+ project. The project is addressed to a volunteer with good interpersonal skills, in particular in relation to children, interested in the development of educational expertise and with good communication skills, personal balance and cultural maturity, patience and tolerance, listening ability and interest in the creative work.The activities within the project will allow the volunteer to acquire and develop knowledges related to: the organization of the infancy educational services; the management of the groups of children, also in multicultural contexts (in schools there are on average 25% foreign children); planning the workshops; educational enterteinment, as well as team work skills, observation, scheduling, relation between various professions.

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