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Changing Hydro-Meteorological Risks- As Analyzed by A New Generation of European Scientists (CHANGES)
Start date: Jan 1, 2011, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The CHANGES network (Changing Hydro-meteorological Risks – as Analyzed by a New Generation of European Scientists) will develop an advanced understanding of how global changes (related to environmental ánd climate change as well as socio-economical change) will affect the temporal and spatial patterns of hydro-meteorological hazards and associated risks in Europe; how these changes can be assessed, modeled, and incorporated in sustainable risk management strategies, focusing on spatial planning, emergency preparedness and risk communication. The main objectives are (1) provide high-level training, teaching and research in the field of hazard and risk management in a changing environmental context to European young scientists; 2) reduce the fragmentation of research on natural processes, and 3) to develop a methodological framework combined with modelling tools for probabilistic multi-hazard risk assessment taking into account changes in hazard scenarios (related to climate change) and exposed elements at risk.The MCITN is inter-disciplinary and inter-sectoral by its nature. Active stakeholders’ participation and the dissemination of the project results are important features of the project. High-level training facilities as well as scientific and technological excellence will be provided to the next generation of researchers in the field of hazard and risk management. It is expected to foster European young scientists to be able to find employment in European organizations, in different sectors. The CHANGES network hopes to contribute to the Topical Action numbers 2 and 3 of the Hyogo Framework for Action of the UN-ISDR, as risk assessment and management, combined with innovation and education are considered essential to confront the impacts of future environmental changes (ISDR, 2009). The network consists of 11 full partners and 6 associate partners of which 5 private companies, representing 10 European countries. It it proposed to hire 12 ESR's and 3 ER's.
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10 Partners Participants