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Chaire Jean Monnet "Droit européen de la mer"
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Chair plays a key role in the Marine Sciences field, one of the major training and research areas at the University of Brest. The purpose of this Chair position is to improve training and dissemination of knowledge about European integration relating to European maritime policy, at all levels of higher education and among the general public.The “Marine and Coastal Sciences” training programme at the University of Brest is the only one of its kind in France. As such, the Chair will improve training in European Union Law of the Sea. Given the importance of case-law in the implementation of an integrated maritime policy, this training will particularly focus on litigation. To make the training more attractive, the programme will include seminars designed for Master and PhD students who need to develop their analysis of issues related to integrated marine policy. Brest provides the ideal local environment for the Chair to successfully raise awareness in the scientific community and general public about questions on European integration. Indeed, the city is home to the LabexMER cluster of excellence, the Pôle Mer Bretagne competitivity cluster, which has a global mandate, and Océanopolis (Centre for Maritime Scientific, Technical and Industrial Culture). This work will be done via conferences on the issues and challenges of integrated maritime policy: blue growth, integrated coastal zone management, sustainable maritime transport, etc.The Chair will promote training for young multi-disciplinary experts in Maritime Law. Included in the Jean Monnet Centre of Excellence of Rennes, it will contribute to the development of a network of excellence in maritime matters. Finally, because all maritime activities are inherently international, the Chair will reinforce the strategic studies that enable the European Union to be a global player on the world stage.
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