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Ceza İnfaz Kurumlarında Dinamik Güvenlik Yaklaşımı ve İkincil Travma İle Çalışma
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ministry Of Justice, General Directorate of Prison and Detention Houses, Prisons and Detention House’s Staff Ankara Training Center was opened 2000 years with 240 bed capacity, 12 Classroom, 3 Meeting Room and 1 Conferance Hall. Until today, totally 33.698 staff who are different 20 professions as managers, doctor, dentist, psychologist, social worker, teacher, administrator officer, accountant, chief of guardian, guardian have been trained at this traning center. The trainings are continuing for improve to staff skills, knowledge and perfection with some important topics as human rights, ethical and moral values, communication, criminology, psychology, security and management. The final aim of that trainings is reintegration of prisoners and provide to security of prisoner until release of them. For achieve to this target it is necessary for every prisoners to benefit from rehabilitation activities. But sometimes there are two important problems we could meet when rehabilitation activities are developed and applied. The first problem is prison staffs has got traditional security belief and they believe prisoners has to be stayed in closed their rooms with physical security prevention. The second problem is rehabilitation staff’s work performance decrease as a result of secondary trauma because of affecting at prisoners who lived trauma. At this point when researching to international samples, we can meet dynamic security as a new approach but we have not enough material, source and trainer at our Country. At international samples we can see it is necessary for training center crisis intervention department and trainers who responsible for prison staff to have knowledge about professional works for struggle to secondary trauma. In this context, with this project will apply by Research and Development Department in Training Center is provide to increase belief of benefit at rehabilitation activities of prison staff who are not affected by secondary trauma. On the long view, with receiving training about secondary trauma, the crisis intervention deparmant of Ankara Training Center will training to psyco-social service experts and staffs at in-service training. Dynamic security topic will integrate to already ongoing security lesson with more professional trainer and material and will teach as theoretical and practical to about 2500 prison staff a year. For provide to dissemination of that dynamic security and secondary trauma training all prisons and training centers at Turkey with participation of all of training center trainers and Ministry of Justice’s policy providers at Coterie meetings at two time a year.

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