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CETRA - Complexity Education for Trainers

Targeting vocational trainers in education, research and development, the project aims to improve their theoretical knowledge and practical training skills to reflect the complex demands of contemporary training scenarios. The increasing complexity of business management means that trainers have to be trained to meet these needs. The project aims to equip trainers with new tools, such as course designs and curricula development, able to meet increasingly complex training needs. Project partners will develop a network to identify innovative 'real life' examples of training tools that are applied to complex business scenarios, with a focus on e-training. An index of case studies will be developed that allows innovative training material to be identified. These case studies will inform the project's critique and subsequent development of its own business training curricula. The project team will explore the feasibility of different training tools, including e-learning, for complex business scenarios. The draft didactic material will be piloted in the partner countries amongst a selected group of 10-15 vocational trainers. The outcomes of these tests will lead to the revision of training course design and curricula. The project will pay particular attention to gender mainstreaming as part of curricula design, implementation and outcome. The project findings will be launched on CD-Rom and further information will be available via the project website. The project outcomes expect to be published in book format.

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7 Partners Participants