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CERAMIC-ALLY Ceramic for inclusive training purposes
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Ceramic-ally project aims at teaching and learning techniques including pottery decoration as a tool for training and social integration and as activities leading to inclusive learning environments.Ceramic-ally partnership will address training actions for non-EU citizens or newly-arrived migrants and asylum seekers, it will develop training paths for an inclusive educational approach in VET.Teachers and staff of organizations participating in this project on the basis of their previous individual experiences will identify tools and work placement methods. These approaches will be based on achieving work based learning, and producing tangible joint outcomes, training material and tools. The final products will be designed to be easily accessible to trainers and teachers in other EU countries.The partnership chose ceramic as the central topic of the project with the purpose of exchange good practices, because working with clay offers the opportunity for each individual to participate in a practical creative process. The kind of group learning activity is relevant to the acquisition of social skills. It generates a feeling of wellbeing by the easiness of getting along well with others. It enables communication and can even develop a sense of citizenship. The primary goal is to allow partner organizations to develop and reinforce EU networks for teaching and learning ceramic craft, increasing trainers and staff capacity to work at transnational level, sharing and exchanging ideas, improving knowledge about practices and ceramic crafts methods and inclusive teaching techniques. The partnership also will produce tangible outputs such as: a video of the ceramic course implementation, an e-book on the workshops held in each partner country, and collective creations of objects that represent the partner country in the idea of the participating target groups. The objects created in the workshops will be filmed to form a virtual exhibition on the project website that will also document the audience on how working the clay can be used as a means for inclusion, to share the culture of people with diverse background.The project partners are all actors involved in VET field. The partners come from PL, ET, PT, UK, IT, and most of them have already gained experience in the Program Erasmus +. One partner is a newcomer, but has experience in the specific field of CERAMIC craft.Working with ceramics has a value recognized historically worldwide: many migrants arriving to Europe know this craft. The project will emphasize the relationship between the artisan/artist and his/her creations. It wants to highlight the real sense of “handmade” products and enhance the development of creative abilities while fostering social inclusion. Our goal is to provide an occasion for Intercultural exchange through which mutual cultures, of locals and immigrants, can be known and valued. The workshops carried out at a local level in each participating country will motivate migrants to meet and learn together in a collaborative way and to acquire knowledge of rules and habits of their hosting societies in a direct and informal key. The project will reach relevant stakeholders of local communities in the world of ceramics and crafts. These have already been identified at application stage. They will be involved in local activities and will bring their knowledge of traditional pottery techniques. There are different layers of evaluation which will be employed in the project. There are aspects of self-evaluation and of external evaluation.At local level: we will establish a network among trainers, associations and experts to work further on the topic, to share experiences.At regional level: we will establish a network among labor market access departments, employment centers, commerce chamber, ceramists local associations, arts and crafts associations, representatives of language schools to learners of a second language, local decision makers about immigration policy.All partners have plans to use the project resources and the exchange of good practices. All partners will contribute on local and national dissemination to make the European project results visible through the project website. All will contribute to build the Ceramic-ally network. Tools for dissemination will be: a website, a video about CERAMIC-ALLY training course, e-book, logo and brochure about Ceramic-ally, panels in each partner institution as well as a Ceramic-ally exhibition with visual boards.Ceramic-ally networking will create a long-lasting tie between participating countries.

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4 Partners Participants