Centre Jules Verne
Start date: Feb 1, 2015,
End date: Jan 31, 2016
The main theme of this program is the organization and completion of creative workshops for children, youngsters and young adults. His/her role will also be to help teachers with the organization and conduction of French lessons.We organize a lot of activities en French language with children, teenagers and young students from our local community, which allows them to learn how to use non-formal education, like learning about other cultures and languages through music, telling tales, art and theatre, exchange camps etc. Our target group are children, youngsters, students but also the young professional teachers, pedagogues, psychologists, educators or youth workers motivated to developed de system of education. A part of language classes, artistic activities and theatre plays, trainings for the youngster’s students but also for the teachers, our association is also organising the big international festival at our Local community named “Julesvernian’s illuminations of Novo Naselje”, the festival of lanterns, light, music, circus and theatre. The idea of this festival is to be one motivating and unifying event for lot of association from our local community. It is organised in two parts
• as tree days of happening /concerts, theatre plays, parade of lanterns
• but there also other kind of artistic activities
a. training of the young volunteers for the creation of the lanterns
b. workshops with the children or youngsters for the creation of the lanterns in collaboration
c. with others associations from Novi Sad but of our local community