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Catering Mobility in Europe - 25 years of European Cooperation in the CHASE network
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

For 25 years we have been supporting young people on the labour marktet in the catering business. We are partner in the C.H.A.S.E. network that means we send and receive students in gastronomy in over 25 Countries. The partners of the network meet annually to discuss and determine the standards of the programme. In this mobility we offer a 4-week- course of language teaching, practical and theoretical studies as well as cultural information and a lot of sightseeing tours. After that period the students get a placement according to their business they are trained for and their abilities and interests. In these placements they stay for 4 months. During these 5 months they are always in close contact with the coordinators of the host country as well as with the coordinators of the home country. This project is especially meant for students who need some support because they are too shy, have a low self esteem, poor foreign language knowledge and not enough money. So this projects tries to establish equal opportunity. After having taken part in this project the young people are able to adopt more easily to new situations, have become more self.-confident and increased the chances of getting a good job in a foreign country as well as better professional career chances in their home country.
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