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The impact envisagedContemporary society is characterized by mass media communication, present in every cultural and professional activity: there is therefore a general need for people to be flexible to innovation and to communicate in an efficient and concise way. Cartoons (comics/animation/illustration) are useful and practical tools, mirroring a universal barrier-free language, able to facilitate qualitative permanent learning processes none the less are they already part of the framework of young people’s communicative means.This training initiative is legitimated by the aim of transferring and implementing the innovative results obtained from previous carried-out projects. Seen from this perspective, making use of cartoons (comics/animation/illustration) becomes a way for increasing European education and professional training quality and appeal.The product this project aims at transferring, that is “animated training”, already widely used in schools and various training contexts, has the possibility to overcome linguistic barriers and favour intercultural understanding. Comics, animations and videos, in their prismatic expressions, show that “animated training” is an efficient and reliable means of communication and effective tool. A new and efficient instrument will this way be implemented by transferring the above described product to new linguistic and socio-cultural contexts at a European level.The transnational partnership established to carry out this project is made of training institutions and cartoon studies -creation production, development- schools, all benefiting of the newest technologies connected to training processes. University institutions have been involved to guarantee the scientific coordination of the activities and the dissemination of results in their specific fields: this contribution is extremely important as it represents a constant bridge connecting theory and practice.The target group focuses on a broad spectrum of teachers, trainers and all the staff involved, at various levels and stages, in learning processes.Beneficiaries of the project are learners involved in schools, universities and training courses in general. This is the reason why this training initiative wants to scientifically include images and communication between the current linguistic codes which are basically connected to oral and written communication.
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15 Partners Participants