Search for European Projects

Carewell — Care Work in Europe and Language Learning

Care sector in Europe, in its multifaceted components as Care home, is confronted with the need of hosting or enrolling people having mother tongues different from the language spoken locally. It is the case of immigrants, but is also the case of European citizens looking for jobs in the Care sector in Countries different from their native one. To learn the local work language is essential as well as a basic knowledge of the local cultural background related with the vocational context. The current project is devoted to give answer to the need: the Countries of placement of the mobility students (and tutors) are UK and Finland. Finnish is not an easy language for foreigners and very little –if nothing-exists for learning the Finnish vocational language for Carework. To the implementation of the project will co-operate trainers in Care, experts in teaching English and Finnish for foreigners, e.learning specialists -- OBJECTIVES AND ACTIVITIES: Several European Countries are currently suffering for scarcity of competent workers in the sector of Care: their number will increase in the near future. Therefore mobility will growth, it does not matter if intra-EU or extra-EU mobility. In any case the basic need for the concerned workers is that of speaking the local vocational language of Care. This is the main objective of the project. A second, but strictly related objective is employability: therefore the project emphasize the certification of the achievements according to recognized European standards The activities are finalized to the mapping of the work language spoken by the employees in the Care sector and sub-sectors, to the inclusion in the e.learning programme of softwares dedicated to the self-evaluation and mapped against the European competence portfolio and the linguistic standards formulated by the Council of Europe. -- RESULTS AND PRODUCTS: The project outcomes (1) a system of e.learning –paralleled by a component of blended learning for the mobility students, based on user’s friendly multimedia, including glossars, a trilingual help desk and software for the self-assessment of the enhancement in the foreign vocational language of Care as well as for the self-assessment of the achieved competencies, for employability use. A second outcome: the materials for a basic comprehension of the local culture related to Carework . An overall concern is that of consolidating the achievements with a certification of each enhancement of linguistic and non linguistic skills -- POTENTIAL FUTURE: The future extension of the project to other Countries is not excluded

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