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Career Perspectives in Europe - Chances and Challenges
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

One of the targets of the European Union strategy “Europe 2020” is the growth of employment and the reduction of early school leavers. This is what we want to support with our project “Career Opportunities in Europe – Chances and Challenges”. Strengthening the attractiveness of Europe´s higher education and strengthening of training and labor mobility is an important matter of this project. Our students are in the middle of an identification process and they will soon graduate. Visions and fear of unemployment are omnipresent as the unemployment rate among young people is rising. With the open job market in the European Union new opportunities and challenges apply and have to be made accessible for the students. So this project will prepare the students as best as possible for the chances that await them in the European Union. The range of the participating schools implies a lot of different questions. Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland and Portugal display an interesting reflection of the members of the EU. The different schools and the combination of the students are also different and all participant schools and countries have to deal with different problems when looking at the job market. The Polish school for example faces unemployment problems because it is situated in an area with no industry and students have to leave their home when desiring a university degree. The Italian school on the other hand is situated in a bigger city with a wider range of chances. Here, universities, companies and industry have much more to offer. With the project we want to work against the economic imbalances and teach, train and motivate our students to reach for higher goals on the European job market. We want them to open up and consider their opportunities on a different level. About 150 participants and accompanying persons of the participating schools will take part in this project. But at the local meetings other students and adults will join the events. The students will prepare the topics of the meetings. The project “Career Opportunities in Europe – Chances and Challenges” will concentrate on different topics, which are set in a chronological order and consider the needs of the different participants. At the first meeting in Bologna the topic we will start with an introduction and we want to take a closer look at what is done at each school to prepare the students for a career. A joint guideline, which will be helpful for all schools, will be conducted here as well as a survey, which will give us a feedback on the students needs. The second topic (learning activity in the Netherlands) deals with the “work chances in each region” and is followed by the third topic – “CV and application in Europe” in Mafra. The Europass CV as well as language and travel will be of much help here. The meeting in Hermannsburg complements the topic with “Opportunities and Challenges after school”. After these different issues we will concentrate on the European Union and “Challenges for the European Union” will be the focus in Hajnowka. It´s to emphasize that cooperation with big and small companies like VW, training institutions and working parents are very important at the different learning activities. Different results will complement our project, support the students, teachers and the school and accomplishments will be disseminated (e.g. joint guideline on how to prepare students, leaflet of pros and cons of working abroad, Europass CV, language, mobility, interviews and videos, project calendar, surveys, PowerPoint Presentations and many more. The impact will be positive in many ways. Students have the possibility to recognize and use their free mobility since options become visible for them. Our encouragement will motivate them. For students as well for teachers the project establishes a consolidation of the foreign language and the intercultural competence. The contact with students from other countries will also be interesting for the parents of the native students. They will learn about the customs of the European countries. Finally, we hope to implement our achievements, results and the learnt input in our schools’ curricula. In the end we hope that we can make a lasting impact on the European Union and we want to make a change to ensure that our students are prepared for Europa after their school life.

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