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CAPaEuropa: Improving Vocational Education and Training
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The school IES Cap de Llevant is located in Maó, Menorca, an island which was declared a Biosphere Reserve by the UNESCO in 1993 and is currently a candidate to become a World Heritage Site in 2015 thanks to its extraordinary range of megalithic monuments. Our school has always shown a keen interest in other education systems and syllabuses within the European Economic Community. Since 1996, when the school was approved as a partner within the MECD-British Council Programme, we have been teaching several subjects (other than the English language) in English, such as Science, Physics, Chemistry, Social Studies, Art and Technology throughout the 4 levels of compulsory education. In addition, we provide our students with the opportunity to study a second foreign language, in our case German, at all levels, as well as offering a programme called European Sections at post-compulsory level. To complement all this, our school has developed a solid exchange programme with a school in the United Kingdom which has been running yearly since 2009, and is currently planning its first exchange with a German school due to take place in May this year. With a large number of students at our school studying both Middle Grade Training Cycles (Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio), and Superior-level Training Cycles (Ciclos Formativos de grado Superior), we are keen to give these students the opportunity to visit other European countries and take part in their vocational education and training programmes, This would not only provide them with valuable work experience but it would also help them improve their foreign language skills, get to know a different culture and experience invaluable personal growth. This application has the support of all the professionals teaching vocational education and training programmes at our school and is fully backed by both the school’s Headmaster and Management Team as well as the school’s European Programme’s Commission, who will work to guarantee the success of an exchange programme with any of our partner schools in Iceland, Norway, Estonia and Denmark. This programme will include a range of work experience opportunities either in the morning or in the afternoon and a programme of sporting, cultural and leisure activities at weekends. In addition, mechanisms will be put in place following Europass regulations to guarantee quality control of accommodation and monitor work experience feedback. We believe all of this will result in the smooth running of our exchange programme and facilitate our students’ stay in another country as well as ensuring that any students hosted at our school get the most from the experience. We very much hope that our vocational education and training students will be given the opportunity to take part in an exchange programme during the following academic year 2015-2016. Therefore, we are already encouraging our students to achieve the best academic results possible and improve their foreign language skills in either English or German, in order to be able to adapt to a new environment and have a positive work experience in Europe. The team of professionals at IES Cap de Llevant strongly support any opportunity to improve the learning process of our vocational and training students and will continue to do so in order to provide them with the best possible chances of accessing a competitive job market.
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