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Capacitar para melhor ensinar: o desafio europeu
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Escola Básica e Secundária Dr. Ângelo Augusto da Silva is located in Funchal, in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. Our School has a diverse educational offer, from the Regular Education that goes from 5th to 12th grade, to Vocational Education and Education and Training Courses. The School also benefits from having a Structured Education Unit for students with Autism Spectrum Disorder and, in most of its classes, includes students with other special educational needs. Being a school in an ultra-peripheral region, it faces a number of difficulties related to its geographical features.After having the diagnosis, all problems detected and an analysis of the internal and external contexts, the school defined as priorities: to increase academic success and the effective quality of learning for all students while reducing early school leaving.With that, comes the relevance of this project to, in a very general way, give the teaching and non-teaching staff tools so they can deal, in an innovative and self motivating way, with the diversity and care and individual differences of all students, foreseeing a broader view this century’s education senses while having present the purposes of the European Strategy.Thus, the methodology to put into practice will be to promote training of the teaching staff, in terms of mobility in EU countries concerning project work methodology, resources and innovative teaching methods that are motivating for students, the use of IT, in particular of online platforms and collaborative work with web 2.0, the solving of problems and conflicts, the ability to deal with multiculturalism and diversity in a perspective of inclusive school and also in terms of improving foreign language skills in particular the English language.The goal is to send groups of teachers, those with the most suitable profile to the training in question, so that they can apply the learned techniques in a school context and also pass all the information, training other colleagues. While diversifying the groups, the information and training will reach more professionals. In addition, we will have the benefits of all the contacts and relationships gained through this project, which could also be important for possible future projects that we can develop in the upcoming years.As a more significant outcome, this project will bring a better and more efficient care to all students, attending to each individual needs.On the other hand, the professionals who participate in the project, along with the school management and other teachers, will have the opportunity to develop a school-focused action plan for the integration of the best practices gathered by the project in the school curriculum, covering all students and that can be applied in the upcoming years.The intention of our school will be to reach as many professionals from our school as we can, and also involve professionals from other schools in the region. By transmitting the new best practices, the results achieved and the satisfaction of all professionals involved, we hope to captivate and wake up the will in which other professionals will want to know the new techniques made by our teachers and get involved in similar projects, or even more ambitious ones.All of this initiatives will be documented and published in the school’s website, as well as other websites linked to education here in the Autonomous Region of Madeira. We will, whenever appropriate, spread the Project and its results in events linked to education here in the Region and, if applicable, outside of it.
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