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Cantate de la paix : Célébrer l’Art Nécessaire de la Tolérance et de l’Amitié entre les Territoires Européens
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

As we go through the hundredth anniversary of World War I, we feel it is important to help students understand that peace between people is fragile and is created and fostered by getting to know one another. As a result, we have come up with a project that would engage the school community as well as the general population in a creative presentation called “The Peace Cantata.”This project would require everyone’s active participation and involvement, the students being the driving force, and would be carried out with the spirit of a democratic society and European way of thinking. We understand that our way of thinking and judging is always influenced by our connection to our personal history and the history of our country. This plays a big role in how important remembering the past is in each country and how it is presented to the world. This connection between recognizing the past and looking towards the future would be translated into a celebration of peace thanks to the creation of a cantata composed of several European languages and academic grade levels. The main goal of this project is to create the script and lyrics of a cantata for peace and to perform it.During the two-year duration of the project, we would be fostering our love for peace in honour of the events that took place in the years 1914-1918, the consequences of which still resonate within Europe to this day. The European choir consisting of students from two different academic grade levels and three participating countries would gather in May 2018 at the abbey of Souvigny to proclaim peace and understanding between the people of Europe.In order to succeed with this production, we will be adopting guidelines from the national education programs of the three participating countries: discovering and analyzing arts and literature of the time period to engage in a reflective analysis of this historical topic and in doing so designing an artistic piece that would invite the 21st century to reflect on the democratic values held by the countries of Europe. The creation of this cantata will convey the values and knowledge that will forge today’s students into future citizens. As a matter of fact, the moral values that make up the foundations of sustainable peace, an aspiration of all european countries, will be show cased in this musical creation that the students will work on together. The students will be faced with a number of challenges, including learning how to engage with others and exchange ideas, sharing collective responsibility for the creation of the project, learning about other cultures within the choral group, and realising that peace is based on understanding and respecting each other. By living in this mini society within the choral group, the students will bring to the project the universal morals that make up the foundation of peace : respect and an open spirit. Through the celebration of diversity in the sense of civic, cultural and social belonging, everyone will be able to feel like an important part of a communal choir, a country, and Europe as a whole. In addition to their civic skills, the students will be applying technical skills associated with artistic production and the ability to better understand and identify their feelings and emotions, put them into words and discuss them, and understand the feelings of others as well. In creating the script, the students will draw on literature from their respective countries to explore their native language and discover the pleasure that can be conveyed through words. In addition, their vocal expression will allow them to express their sense of humanity, understanding, and taste, as well as highlight their self confidence and ability to listen to and empathise with others.To finish, we will refer to the words of Anne Marie Thiesse, Research Director at CNRS: “With song, we create a sort of communion, a sense of belonging that is strong and powerful."

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