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Caminando hacia un Centro Bilingüe en Portugués . Leyendo en Diferentes Formatos: "Mejorar la Competencia Lingüística a través de la Innovación, Inteligencia Emocional, la Creatividad y las Buenas Prácticas en la Biblioteca Escolar"
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

With the project, * Toward a Bilingual Center in Portuguese "our institution aims to strengthen and continue with its studies for improving the" educational practice "enhance the quality and strengthen the" internationalization ", considering the target fixed by the EU that all citizens have the opportunity to learn at least two foreign languages from an early age. We have developed the EDP, based on the context of the project as a statement of intent about what we want as an institution with the development of projects Erasmus +, essential to move towards a "European dimension". Our center, categorized as Preferential Educational Attention because of its characteristics (family and environment), provides a project based on its needs, to promote equity and inclusion, facilitating access to education for our students, immersed in an unfavorable environment, characterized by scarce cultural, social and economic resources. What an obstacle supposes, causing learning difficulties, poor academic performance, and in many cases promotes premature dropout, being at risk of social exclusion. In choosing the activities we start from the needs highlighted in the EDP, programming different actions to improve and promote innovation in our center and "good practices" to learning of languages and knowledge of European cultural diversity. Whereas good teacher preparation will increase opportunities for our students, efficiency and effectiveness in learning and contribute to the achievement of the objectives set out in the project, with three types of actions: 1. Structured courses at the University of Lisbon, for "Walking toward a Bilingual center in Portuguese" on methodology and didactics of Portuguese Language, reading promotion, Language Proficiency. Improving language training in Portuguese. 2. Period of observation / Job shadowing in two Portuguese centers, have been chosen to be pioneers in their performances. In addition to already be working with them on a Etwinning project. With the aim of "improving language proficiency through Innovation, Emotional Intelligence, Creativity and Good Practices in School Library" (programming, methodology, innovation, and evaluation activities, from the study and knowledge of the natural environment and cultural centers. 3. Period of teaching / training for teaching through WorkShops to publicize our work in these centers, an exchange for knowledge, bringing our experience in "Innovation, Emotional Intelligence, Creativity and Good Practices in School Library ", referring to work for documentary projects in the School Library. When programming mobilities we have taken into account the needs, assessing that although we are a small center, we have a strong responsibility that goes beyond the educational, social and cultural aspects. Our involvement has to be higher than other "normalized" centers so we opted for a larger number of mobilities, giving continuity to the project. The profile of the participants, is valued according to their involvement in school projects, participation in bilingual activities and the school library. We believe that the methodology used in the project will allow the continued exchange of experiences with other centers, to establish "new ways of doing". Emphasizing: - Promote the development of language proficiency in Portuguese. - Improve the methodology of work through Documentary Projects: Reading and Good Practices in the School Library. - Development of actions related to improving the coexistence and Social Competence development as an essential element to achieve good results: Emotional Intelligence Program, Philosophy for Children, Social Skills, ... Anticipating the results highlight that the experience of our long history of proposals for improvement and project implementation, has been a qualitative and quantitative improvement in educational outcomes, and have also served as an example for other centers, encouraging them to include similar ones in their educational activities. The expected impact we define as very neuralgic since we are the first primary school that begins a bilingual section in Portuguese, and through dissemination of actions, some primary and secondary schools have been encouraged to join this possibility we consider very important. A TwinSpace blog has been created to disseminate the activities undertaken in the participating centers and in others who are interested in performing similar actions.
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