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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Consortium Amiens - Lille European school teaching staff mobility CALME_sco is part of the ERASMUS+ program from 2015 to 2017. CALME_sco promotes and organizes the transnational mobility of the Amiens and Lille académies' educational staffs, for purposes of professional development and temporary integration of counterparts and partners in Europe. CALME_sco promotes and facilitates professional exchanges of good educational practices of inclusion and equity and / or development of communication skills in foreign languages. CALME_sco is an inter-academic consortium; the appliant is the public interest group (GIP) of the académie of Lille. It brings together and includes schools (primary, secondary and high schools) and two regional educational authorities, “académies” of Lille and Amiens, to achieve European formative mobility of one hundred educational staff members, of which two fifths from primary schools and more than a quarter from priority education zones. These staff members are operating in the following fields: - Primary and secondary schools involved in a European development plan with Polish, German, Dutch, English or French speaking partners (PGDEF / PANAF) - Primary schools or lower secondary schools with a teaching unit for foreign language speaking students (UPE2A) - Schools in the innovative network of international sections Nord - Pas de Calais (RAISIN) - CertiLingua accredited schools - New managers (new principals or inspectors) having the opportunity of an international action. The CALME_sco consortium organizes mobilities as observation periods in a work situation at foreign educational partners in Europe. These weekly periods generally take place in a team and may include a teaching experience abroad. These periods will involve a teaching staff preparation in conjunction with the host institution abroad; they can rely on linguistic preparation for specific purposes. CALME_sco involves the use of eTwinning and optional mobility unit, as initiated by the Ministry of Education in ordre to evaluate any mobility in Europe. The project CALME_sco is based on the formative value of the exchange between colleagues, between schools, between educational arrangements, between regional educational authorities and between education systems, in a relationship of parity and reciprocity. Transnational mobility is part of authorities partnerships and school partnerships in the purpose of maintaining them. This must have standards to give professional results when coming back. Observation and exchange of good practice of partner institution should therefore promote and facilitate educational and training enhancements, more inclusion and equity and / or more modern foreign language communication skills. The results and impact of CALME_sco are certainly expected in staff mobility but also through their involvement in teaching teams, educational systems, educational inspections, at the level of those institutions, of these devices and of both regional authorities. The transnational professional exchange of good educational practices must therefore create or maintain innovative processes at different scales in the two neighboring academies. In view of the forthcoming merger of the regional territories Nord - Pas de Calais and Picardie, CALME_sco initiates a dynamic cooperation in Europe. On the horizon of 2020, CALME_sco positions educational regional authorities of Amiens and Lille as a tandem sharing the European common development, and opens real opportunities of refoundation of school and educational success for all.
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