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CALME_sco II - Consortium Académique Lillois de Mobilité Européenne en enseignement scolaire
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The 2016 – 2018 CALME_sco II European school teaching staff mobility Lille Consortium promotes and organizes short transnational mobility for educational staffs in the Académie of Lille, for purposes of continuous training and professional development through job shadowing in partner schools in Europe. CALME-sco implements the law for the “Refondation de l’école et de la République” by promoting and facilitating the observation and the transfer of good educational practices for inclusion and equity, for the development of European citicizenship and for the learning of modern foreign languages in the context of a new map for languages.CALME_sco II is an academic consortium led by the Public Interest Group (GIP) dealing with continuous training and professional integration in the académie of Lille. It brings together six primary schools (among which two nursery schools) and a secondary school, which are mainly part of the priority education network, all of them in connection with the Rectorat. It aims at achieving one hundred mobility actions for educational staffs in Europe in the two years to come: mainly actions for teachers in primary schools wishing to open up their schools and their staff to good educational, pedagogic and didactic practices that can be observed in Scandinavian and North-West Europe. Some more shorter mobility actions for managers in the académie will be integrated in the continuous training of pedagogical staffs, together with mobility actions in connection with the Certilingua label – a label of excellence awarded for linguistic, cultural and intercultural competences. Apart from the five mobility actions aiming at a participation in a training set up by the French-German Youth Office (OFAJ), the planned mobility actions will take the form of job shadowing in primary or secondary schools in Europe, in French, in English or in Dutch. These training sessions will last from five days to two weeks, will be done in groups and can include a period of teaching in French. They imply a systematic team preparation and a link with the host school in Europe. They can rely on a linguistic preparation with specific purposes and they already involve most of the time the early use of the eTwinning platform. CALME_sco II is based the eminently formative value of exchanges between colleagues, between primary and secondary schools, between educational arrangements and systems, in a reciprocal, peer-to-peer relationship. European mobility is therefore based on partnerships between local authorities and schools in the purpose of maintained relationships. Therefore, the quality of the projects must lead to significant results and long-lasting effects for the staffs and the schools. The results of CALME_sco II are expected to be felt for the staff in mobility but also for their schools and the local educational projects. The transnational professional exchange of good educational practices must therefore create or maintain innovative processes in the académie of Lille. CALME_sco II must also contribute to create or confirm a taste for European projects. In the context of the reform of compulsory education and of the new map for languages, CALME_sco II aims at opening new perspectives for the refounding of our school system and educational success for all in the académie of Lille.
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