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CALL for InterOPErability: Creating a European coordination network for eHealth interoperability implementation (CALLIOPE)
Start date: Jun 1, 2008, End date: Nov 30, 2010 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Description CALLIOPE - eHealth accross Europe. Collaborative, Interactive initiative for the successful deployment of eHealth in EUThe CALLIOPE Network is part of the Open eHealth Initiative, which is driven by Member States health administrations. It has been initiated by 17 health authorities and 10 organisations representing networks of physicians, community pharmacists, patients, industry and health insurers. It represents a targeted effort aiming to establish an appropriately governed, composed and structured open forum, with the focal goal to support Member States to implement interoperable eHealth solutions, in close collaboration with the key stakeholders, including users, industry and payers. CALLIOPE will therefore operate in synergy with cross border eHealth initiatives in Europe, in terms of supporting exchanges within a much broader community and will also be one of the major mechanisms for dissemination and propagation of EU level activities in this area. The Network has the ambition to contribute to standardisation activities through close liaison with relevant standardisation bodies, as well as to provide input to CIP PSP, towards better focusing of future programme funded activities in cross border eHealth. Initially, the network governance and the knowledge infrastructures will be developed and the CALLIOPE Network will be set to operation. As part of its work program, CALLIOPE will then serve a first set of operational objectives i.e., elaboration of a common Interoperability Road map; review and advancement of the EU Interoperability Recommendation and; facilitation of pre-standardisation processes through liaison with SDOs. It will furthermore offer a portfolio of targeted support services to be provided on request and by mobilising, to the extent possible, external resources, thus setting the network on track to self sustainability. This set of activities and related deliverables will also put to testing the network processes and the results will comprise part of the independent evaluation at the end of the project.
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