Calidad en e-learning para reducir el abandono en ..
Calidad en e-learning para reducir el abandono en educación de adultos.
Start date: Jun 1, 2016,
End date: May 31, 2017
The KA1 mobility project sets up a group of associations operating within the context of e-learning. All institutions will organize exchange and learning activities in collaboration with the CEED to share their knowledge and experience in the field of e-learning and semi-face-to-face education for adult students, in order to improve the teaching methodologies of our organization and reduce the number of adults students dropping out of e-learning courses.Both project partners commit themselves to sharing, within the 2016-2018 Erasmus + Programme, trainers and learning courses on the proper use of tools specifically designed to carry out e-learning activities.All istitutions taking part in this project have already participated or are now participating in Erasmus projects KA 1 and 2 and the majority of them have been collaborating with the CEED for many years.The main aim of this project is promoting e-learning and blended learning among all trainers of adult students. Moreover, the project is aimed at developing new skills on the trainers in order to promote the creation of multimedia materials and familiarize with MOOC and its uses in adult education. Through the experience in European projects and our contacts with other institutions all over Europe, this project will be focused on applying new pedagogies in order to reduce the number of early school leaving in adult education.
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