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Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project is realized by The Maternity and Family Centre Krucek Svitavy, z. s. in the smaller town of Svitavy with 18.000 citizens located in the Czech Republic. We plan group EVS for 2 volunteers with two programme countries - Poland and Germany. Activities will last 2x12 months. Young people who are interested in cooperation in the field of pro-family policy can participate in it. We have been cooperating with foreign volunteers since 2009. At the time we started thinking about how to open our organization more widely to Europe and how to transmit and share our experience of working in the field of pro-family activities. The main goal of the project is both to support young people in the process of nonformal education and share experience and knowledge in working with families and children and we want to evolve mutual solidarity, inclusion, tolerance for diversity and equal opportunities independently of age, gender, race, ethnicity, nationality and sexual orientation.Volunteers will participate in activities MC Krůček, they will be invited at the position of helping activation workers during them. They will cooperate on workshops, public events, babysitting (0-6 years) and activities for seniors and schoolchildren. They will cooperate also with chosen non-profit-making organizations in our city, where they come into contact with seniors and mentally disabled citizens , teen-agers and endangered families.They will gradually learn how to work with particular target groups, how to develop their own potential and also how to support children in their natural development and their desire to learn, all in support of experienced professional lectors.They will assist at activities in the spirit of Montessori education and respectful approach. We expect that volunteers will be able to lead individually chosen activities, have an idea how to work both with families and children, and the elderly and disabled people, volunteers will also know the structure of the organization of larger public actions. We also trust that they will upgrade the community of the town of Svitavy with other themes such as tolerance, diversity, inclusion, solidarity, etc.. (see goals of this project) after a year in our organization.The project will affect the town of Svitavy and its surroundings and thanks to cooperation with The Czech Network of Mother Centers and The Pardubice Region we also expect cooperation with other locations. The project will address with dissemination of the results and enlightenment not only end users of the activities of this project and the receiving and sending organizations, but also the volunteers themselves, specific media, press, decision-making authorities at all levels and the general public. The broadest impact of the project may affect the growth of European citizenship, international policy and cooperation of addressed citizens, it also may have impact on growth of tolerance and positive views of diversity, as well as the gradual elimination of intolerant (gender) stereotypes and odd apprehension.From the long-term the project is beneficial by bringing themes of tolerance and equal opportunities for discussion and by upgrading the community and inspiring young people to European citizenship and solidarity with other nations, it has the potential to increase participation (not only) young people in Europe.

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