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Business Training and Consultancy Initiative: Creation of new CBC opportunities for SME (HUSKROUA/0901/037)
Start date: Jan 31, 2010, End date: Jan 30, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Overall objective:To increase economic independence of the inhabitants of the cross-border region of Slovakia and UkraineSpecific objective: 1) to improve skills of economic entities in elaboration and implementation of joint cross-border business projects2) to promote opportunities for joint investment and cross-border co-operation among companies of Zakarpattya, Kosice and Presov regions3) to provide consultancy support in business planning, assistance in set up of companies and contacts establishment in the sphere of cross-border co-operation, elaboration of marketing plansMain activities:1. CBC Conferences - 22. CBC Workshops for SME - 43. Trainings for SME - 104. Colecting materials, layout development, preparing for and printing - 4 publications (CD and DVD includes)5. Business Plan Expertise - not less 120 men-hours6. Сonsultancy and mentoring servises - not less 130 men-hours7. Thematic telecasts with a consultative interactive block on the local TV (Slovakia&Ukraine) – 4-6 Achievements: Results for Objective 1:a) number of trainees - 80 b) number of publications - 2c) number of business plans developed - 15Results for Objective 2:a) number of conference participants - 100b) number of joint workshops participants - 120c) number of publications - 1Results for Objective 3:a) number of people informed by media – 250.000 – 500.000b) num. of visitors on WEB-consulting page - 800 (Ua + Sk)c) number of joint CBC business-plans recomended - 5d) number of SME consulted - not less 50 (Ua+Sk)

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  • 90%   291 717,00
  • 2007 - 2013 Hungary-Slovakia-Romania-Ukraine ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

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