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Business Incubator-Economic Development and Visibility of Border Region
Start date: Jul 4, 2011, End date: Jul 4, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

According the analysis of the region and previous outcomes of the experience exchange meetings in Berovo and Sandanski (project “Measures and instruments in support of the cross-border business cooperation between Bulgaria and Macedonia”) we define project activities. For achieving the goals of the project and quality implementation of the activities we identify that the best partner is Municipality of Strumyani, due to a several reason, as: similar tradition and culture, sharing the border line, experienced in joint project implementation and easy accessible municipality. For the overcoming the weaknesses the project will establish business incubator to help emerging growth companies survive and grow during the start-up period when they are most vulnerable. As results of the activities one needs assessment publication will be printed out with research of business sector and market needs. This publication will be used as guidelines and reference. Achievements: • Established one business incubator in Berovo with satellite office in Strumyani to provide services for the region. The both buildinges were reconstructed on exterior: façade, roof, doors and windows; interior: renovation of the floor, electricity and water installation; and adaptation of the available rooms into offices for needs of the Business incubator. Apart from reconstruction, the business incubator got an extension and new entrance from the main street. The facilities are furnished and equiped;• Carried out a two-days training for the good performance of the project management team at the beginning of the project implementation;• Provided a research of market needs and needs assessment of the business sector respecting to both municipalities. • Translated results from the research into Macedonian and Bulgarian language. Summary of the research disseminated on the study visit in Berovo and Strumyani.• Organized study visit in Stumyani and in Berovo. An existing businessmen, entrepreneurs and local authorities had direct meetings with business sector of cross-border region..• Business Incubator in Berovo registered as foundation, as separate entity with management board• Designed and promoted web site of the Business Incubator project has been successfully accomplished in May 2013.

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  • 85%   231 070,72
  • 2007 - 2013 Bulgaria - Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia IPA CBC (BG-FYROM)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants