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Burren Tourism for Conservation (Burren Tourism)
Start date: Oct 1, 2012, End date: Dec 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background The Burren area of the Republic of Ireland is an internationally renowned karst limestone area that supports a rich and diverse range of flora and fauna, archaeological monuments and traditional cultural practices. The pressures of tourism (congestion and the use of resources) on the area, however, are considerable. Its seasonal nature presents a particular challenge: 90% of tourism occurs in just three summer months. This concentration of tourists has serious implications for the environmental carrying capacity of the Burren. Some parts of western Ireland such as the coastal fringe to the west and north of the Burren, attract a high number of visitors, whilst the main touring route from Corrofin to Ballyvaughan is also vulnerable. Yet, whilst the Cliffs of Moher (one of the highest sea cliffs in Europe) attracts up to one million visitors a year, only 20 km away, the Black Head Loop Walk (also a desirable tourism location) attracts fewer than 3 000 visitors annually. Objectives The 'Burren Tourism for Conservation' project aims to strengthen the integration of tourism and natural heritage, and to reconcile tourism development with conservation of biodiversity. It aims to secure environmental protection and sustainable visitor management through the creation of an innovative methodology that is of value to local communities. It will demonstrate pilot actions that test the use of tourism for conservation in the Burren. In European terms, the objective is to improve the environmental performance of SMEs and promote strategic integrated planning approaches for improving the use of land. The project will thus work with tourism SMEs in conservation actions, with the aim of contributing to EU biodiversity objectives through the integration of tourism and biodiversity. The project will support the EU’s promotion of sustainable, responsible and high-quality tourism. The project will also stimulate a heritage community within its local partnership and enrich the heritage of the area. Finally, it will support the European landscape convention through the tourism conservation actions carried out on the fragile landscape of the area. Expected results The project expects to achieve the following: To heighten and strengthen the extent of integration of tourism and conservation; To enable some 100 companies to have a greater capability for tourism conservation; and To improve the status of four monuments and three natural sites.

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