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buntkicktgut cross cultural street football summer camp 2014
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Nov 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Goal of the project is to offer to social discadvantaged adolescents an unique experiance, where they can via the medium street football know other cultures and habits, explore differences and commonaltities and thereby can live and experiance Europe. Alltogether 60 young participants from Germany, Austria and Hungary will meet each other during 9 days in the hungarian city Szombathely intesively. The day is beginning with a common training, during the afternnoons and in the evenings the kids and adolescents will be guided through different actions to know the city and the hungarian culture and to give an understanding of their different countries of origin and their cultures. A trip to the Balaton widens their european experiances. At the very end of the programm week there will take place a little football tournament with all participants of the project but also teams of the surrounding small towns, in the evening there is a city festival on a public holiday where the children will participate. In the foreground of all activities stands the communication of a respectfull aquaintance between kids and adolescents, the reduction of prejudices and the stimulation of the own initiative of the participants as well as of a healthy mode of life. In the long run, the self-confidence shall be strenghtened and the chances and qualifications rised.
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