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Building the past for the future 2015
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Batavia Yard is a historic center for shipbuilding. On the yard as much as possible work according authentic and traditional construction methods, while also research into shipbuilding techniques especially the 17th century. The building of historic ships attracted much attention from the beginning of visitors. The yard was therefore also a tourist attraction. In addition, the construction of historic ships designed as a learning and work experience project for young people and re-integrants. The Batavia Yard is a private non-profit foundation. The organization can be characterized as a combination of tourist business, business training, knowledge and volunteer organization. Stichting Batavia is a non-profit foundation. For building and maintaining the ships Stichting Batavia is dependening on income from contributions and sponsoring and officially has been commented as an “Usefull non-profit organization”. The conservation of cultural heritage, old crafts industry and craftsmanship. The ships ‘Batavia’ and a new replica ship contribution to imagining the tale of people and their living and working method in VOC-time and golden century. In several workshops, such as the woodcutting, the forge and the place where they make the sails, old crafts industry reaches life. The Bataviayard offers to the visitor, learning the occasions of the past in an active manner. Batavia is also a place where one does historical study to extend into the construction manner, methodology and material usage in the 17th century. It can be determined that this expertise to build these ships is unique in the world. Because of this the Bataviayard is able build reconstructions which come very near of the original design 400 years ago. The construction of the ships produces new knowledge concerning shipbuilding. We call this 'experimental archeologie'. Expectation future The Bataviayard will not stand still the upcoming years. We are in preparation for a lot of projects which will provide both culturally and social opportunities. This way are in preparation to become more like an institution for knowledge and a will invest in large maintenance of the Batavia and of course the further run-down our new replica ship. For these projects reintegration and 3 (Erasmus +) volunteers on the yard rightly are highly needed and more then welcome.

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