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Building potencial of school in areas of healthy lifestyle and protecting environment the way of balanced students' development
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background of the project: The aim of our project is to build potencial of school in areas of healthy lifestyle and protecting environment, what will be the way of balanced students' development. In our Erasmus+ project there are 11 countries, Poland-the coordinator, Spain, Turkey, Italy, Latvia, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Greece, Portugal, Slovakia and Romania. Our primary school children have heathly problems, as obesity (30%), underweight (10%), bad eating (60%), tooth decay (70%), diabetes and hypertension (3%), lack of knowledge about protecting environment, addiction to tv and computer, lack of physical activity, emotional problems, no knowlede about Firs Aid. Their parents are not able to help them, as they are not well educated and overworked. The only help are teachers, but they must be professionally trained and appropriately prepared to it. Objectives of the project: The main objective of this project is to develop teachers and school staff competences, through different international and national trainings and seminar (about healthy lifestyle, basic medicine, protecting environment, recycling and saving natural resources, additional physical activities, as karate for boys, aerobic and dance for girls, emotional problems, as assertiveness and agression, First Aid. We will create the international school programme containing elements of healthy lifestyle, protecting environment and increasing sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among students. It will be implemented in our schools' programmes from October 2015. Its implementation will decrease the number of obesity, diabetes, hypertension, toothdecay and allergies among children. It will enrich the school's variety of additional PE classes(karate, aerobic, dancing, table tennis, swimming, football and volleyball), Science, healthy and culinary workshops. Teachers and students will be competent in First Aid and coping with difficult emotional problems, as aggressiveness and assertiveness. Number and profile of participants: In our project will take part all teachers from our primary schools (especially PE, Science teachers), school cooks, students and their parents. Description of activities: In our project there are planned 4 international trainings for teachers (about healthy lifestyle, functioning of human body, need of nutritional values and calories from food by primary school children, PE activities, as karate, aerobics, dancing, outdoor and indoor games; protecting environment, recycling and saving natural resources; eco vegetables, fruit and herbs in our life, ways of strengthening the immunology (Eropass mobilities for teachers). We are aslo plannning 4 transnational project meetings, where we will disscuss about the plans, drafts ans final versions of final products, as well as, exchange the experiences and ideas for the project activities. There are also planned 4 students mobilties, where children can train themselve in healthy lifestyle and protecting environment (Eropass mobillities for students) and realize the international film of fiction with them, as actors. At schools we will organize many national trainings and seminars with dentists, local doctors, chemists, psychologists, gardeners. We will organize many activities and workshops for children. Methodology: Our project's activities will contain all necessary phases. We will prepare ourselves for implementation project activities (many trainigs for teachers), implement gained knowledge, monitore if it works with our students, evaluate and disseminate the project results. Short description of the results: The main results will be - the international school programme containing elements of healthy lifestyle, protecting environment and increasing sense of initiative and entrepreneurship among students, dictionary of basic expressions and terminology connected with projects and education in European countries, international film of fiction with our students as actors, leaflets about school habits and protecting environment, PPP and plan lessons prepared by teachers as didactic materials.They all be OERs. After the project teachers will be more competent in healhy lifestyle and protecting environment fields, linguistic, ICT, intercultural, entrepreneurship, innovative thinking, writing European projects. Students will gain new competences in areas of healthy lifestyle, protecting environment, interculural, linguistic. They will become more confident and responsible for their future life. Impact: The project will impact on teachers and students (they will be more open to innovatins, new chanages, eager to work in the international groups, eager to chenge their lifestyles), students' parents, local educational government, local primary and secondary schools,regional, national and European healthy and environmental organisations, which will be informed abour project activities and results. All project activities will be continued even after the EU funds will end.

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