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Building Lifecycle Energy Saving Integral Learning
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BLESIL aims at improving skills and competencies of construction sector workers within novel methodologies, techniques and software use within outcomes of European R&D founded projects, mainly to boost a more energy efficient buildings. Buildings account for 40 % of total energy consumption in the European Union (EU). Reduction of energy in the building sector constitutes important measures needed to reduce the EU’s energy dependency and greenhouse gas emissions. In this way, Europe has recently focused on that direction and different Directives have been approved for assure an effective accomplishment of this objective. BLESIL will approach to Directive 2010/31/EU on the energy performance of buildings, which has identified skills shortage for planners & architects, builders & installers and maintenance professionals & end users. The training content, which is based on European R&D project outcomes, will be head to the three building lifecycle stages where energy efficiency measures can be addressed: · Design, · Construction, · Operation, maintenance and use. BLESIL will allow the implementation of the results obtained in EU previous projects. For the design phase, novel software will be taught to learners. This software, called URSOS, assists urban planners and building engineers and architects and engineers to design the best building in terms of energy efficiency and sustainability. URSOS was developed under a FP6 project finished in December 2012, contract number 513477. For the construction phase, lessons learnt from BUILDING UP project will be applied. This FP7 project, finished on October 2012, was a multi-stakeholder, cross-sectorial, collaborative long term Research & Innovation Road Map to overcome technological and Non-technological barriers towards more energy-efficient buildings & districts. Project contract number: 267024. For the maintenance phase, a software platform called EPESUS within the scope of an EU CIP founded project will be used. This software has a knowledge management module that provides tools and information on the energy efficiency potential of buildings commissioning. Contract number: ECO/08/239001. Also a methodology for building users – inhabitants will be showed. This methodology, called IIA, involves helping users to learn to save energy. Output from FP6 project finished in Dec 2012, contract number 513477. A specific methodology will be developed and a comparative analysis of training needs will be conducted, using ECVET and EQF methodologies to ensure project continuation. The contents of the courses will be published as an Open Educative Resource, maximising project impact and allowing contents transfer to training institution and construction companies. The partnership is based on an alliance of RTD and training institutions and SMEs of the construction sector. AITIIP is the coordinator of the project and will lead the methodology development (Spain). ITB is the polish Building Research Institute. ITB will be in charge of the construction contents. EKODENGE is a Turkish SME with long track record on the construction - building sector. They will be in charge of maintenance part. GEEZAR is a Spanish SME recognized as SpinOff by Universidad de Zaragoza and will be in charge of the design phase and building user interaction. BLESIL project will face the following challenges and objectives: Specific challenge: This project aims at providing a comprehensive methodology for energy consumption reduction through these three building lifecycle phases, incorporating novel techniques, methodologies and software coming from EU funded projects. General objectives: The proposed project targets at developing and offering a structured program for workers of the building sector enabling them to use novel techniques in energy saving, increasing their employment opportunities in construction sector and ensuring better efficiency in constructed or restored buildings. Specific objectives: • To develop a set of training courses and methodologies for energy saving in buildings, from a holistic point of view, including the three phases of the building (design, construction, maintenance and use). • To identify skills required for the application of the Directive 2010/31/EU. • To introduce in existing curricula new software, techniques and methodologies already developed in other EU funded projects, following the recommendations ECVET, ECTS and EQF. • To empower professionals, offer modular qualification, encourage employment opportunities and mobility, further skills training to help job search. • To create the necessary tool to asses the quality of the certification by evaluating the period that each candidate has managed to keep the job.

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