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Building Blocks
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Mar 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The primary aim of this project is to support the development of positive engagement with urban spaces and citizenship for youngsters. We will encourage young people to become active members of their community and develop awareness of their urban spaces and their local context using creative, collaborative and imaginative spatial symbolism in their art expression. The project will also consider the wider perspective of European citizenship and community engagement and sharing of methods and ideas by young people and the role they play in their one communities. By offering them framework for self-reflection, we aim to encourage and support active and positive engagement with urban space, as well as future employment and self-employment. The project aims to strengthen involvement and will allow young people to creatively experiment their art in urban space while allowing them to identify common spatial values of their community. We will ask our participants to consider the idea of sustainable community development, to demonstrate the essential elements of their neighborhood now, and then to imagine how it could look like in fifty years from now. Participants will be asked to share their experiences of co working and collaboration in arts, urban sports and cultural activities. The project will also create a platform for each national group to address these topics at a local level, as well as within a European context. The project will support peer to peer learning and mentoring by creative and cultural professionals. Emphasis is placed on town planning idea, awareness of the space in which they live, their own neighborhood, as part of our common EU. Youngsters from three counties (France, UK and Croatia) will meet in October 2014. on a five day meeting + two day of traveling in Zagreb. In total, there will be 39 youngsters and mentors involved in this activity. We are also planning to have 2 days preparatory meeting with 2 persons involved from each country (one mentor and one youngster) in September 2014. In that way we will be able to prepare meeting properly as well as secure for all youngsters involved. We plan to hold three different art workshops. First workshop is photo, sound and street art organized by UK partners. Young people will use their mobile phones to record, photograph and film a visual map/landscape of designated urban spaces. In this way they will develop IT skills. Second workshop will be organized by Croatia with sensory mapping and model expression. Young people will discover Zagreb and will give us their viewpoint, their thinking by the mapping which will use their feelings and their senses. As new architects, they will give us their vision of a dreamed urban space with this work of model making. In this workshop we will develop their social skills as well as language skills. Third workshop will be organized by France and will include photography, video making & editing. Participants will be supported to develop their thinking around urban clusters by seeing the city from a different perspective and problem solving as well as innovation in the development of their visual ideas. In this workshop we will work on differences between counties and their backgrounds, and how to understand each other. Through all activities we will work on evaluation with different tools and with help of professionals as mentors, but putting leading cap on the head of youngsters...they will be able to decide which tool to use and they will use it together. As a result we will collect all evaluations, analyze them and put them on web pages of each partner, social networks. We will make exhibition last day of meeting, and from all of this we will make web exhibition, and make web platform on which videos, photos, evaluations and all material made on activity will be presented. It will be made by youngsters, and it will be public. On each step of activities all media will be invited (TV, Newspapers and Radio stations) and on exhibition and last event we will make invitation letters and it will be open for all public.
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2 Partners Participants