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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Music is considered a universal language because it transcends to all race regardless of any language barrier. Music can communicate effectively to all men around the world and can help Europeans to know each other better overcoming "mental borders" in people’s minds (national, linguistic, cultural, historical, etc.). This project, titled "Building a European Orchestra" involves an exchange between three music high schools from Italy, Lithuania and Romania. The aim is not only to share music teaching methods and strategies, but especially to compare and finally merge the orchestras of the respective high schools from all countries. The orchestras will play some music pieces separately and finally they will be put together to play as one the pieces of music closing the final concert (presumably the European anthem and, in Italy, the "Va, pensiero" from Verdi's "Nabucco"). Of course this will happen as a result of a previous proper training activity! This cooperation will enrich the knowledge, the skills and the attitudes of the participants. They will learn to appreciate the benefits of international cooperation, to overcome language and cultural barriers. They will improve their music skills and learn how to use modern communication tools. The participating schools will also acquire the know-how to set up future international projects. The students of the music high school of Nuoro are geographically and socially disadvantaged. Their families cannot support them financially to enable them to participate in contests and meetings outside the island in order to relate and compare themselves to other high schools musical. This project aims to get them out of isolation and help them to learn about different realities, especially in countries that have different methods and strategies of teaching and a longer tradition of teaching music. Klaipeda Conservatory has a very long teaching music tradition, students hold a lot of concerts but mostly they play in Lithuania, because trips abroad are too expensive. Students from Romania have never participated in international projects. This project will give them the chance to perform abroad and collaborate with other countries. Of course, this exchange will enrich all the participating partners. All students and most of the staff of all schools will be involved in the project. The participants to mobilities will be 80 including staff members and students. Cooperation and communication will be established via modern means of communication (e-twinning, e-mail, Skype, etc.) and via the meetings. All communications will be made in English. The first meeting is a preparatory visit that will take place in Romania in October 2015. During this meeting the teachers will choose the musical pieces and the corresponding music sheets to be adapted to the skills of the members of the orchestras, in order to prepare the training activities and the concerts that will be held during the meetings in Lithuania (May 2016), Romania (October 2016), Italy (May 2017). The final product of the project will be a DVD with the recording (audio and video) of the concerts to be distributed to the students, their families, other schools in the area, libraries and to anyone who requests it. The rehearsals for the concerts could be also filmed and kept in the schools as a testimony to the progress the orchestras will made from the beginning till the end of the project. The impact on the students will be very large: for most of them it will be the first time to have first-hand encounters with students from another country, they will learn and improve a comprehensive range of key skills and will also develop their social graces, friendliness, reliability and adaptability. Staff will benefit from the opportunity of an international work, experiencing different teaching styles, transferring skills from a country to another, raising standards across the curriculum. A Web site or/and a Facebook account will be opened to gather all relevant information about the project and to share impressions about its evolution. The project results will be disseminated to a maximum number of people: the students, the staff, their families, the school community, the audience at large. The final product of the project, a DVD, will be promote via the projects websites and the e-twinning platform. The concerts will be widely advertised and guests including school governors, local councillors, parents and staff will be invited. The project will be promoted in each school's transition document given to prospective parents and at open evenings. All schools will issue press releases to the media they consider most appropriate. At the end of the project, the partner schools will remain in contact to work together and exchange good practises, music sheets, etc.
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