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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The High School Grandis in Cuneo includes a Technical School for Tourism and two state vocational schools: the Vocational Institute for Social and Sanitary Services ( courses: commercial, social-sanitary and opticians) and the Vocational Institute for Industry and Craftmanship (courses: electronics, mechanics and electrics). Pupils come from Cuneo and the surrounding area and many of them belong to families disadvantaged from a social-economical and cultural point of view. Training courses of Grandis focus on developing in students an active awareness of citizenship, within a European vision of competences and responsabilities. Experimenting projects in a European and International context, based in particular on “learning by doing “ methodology, is a fundamental part of this process.The project is going to last for two years and it is directed at students from the 4th and 5th year of the commercial and tourist courses of our Institute (about 90 students, two thirds of which will take part in mobilities). The methodology of the project foster practical and professional aspects and stimulates towards the acquisition and use of ‘problem solving’ strategies in real or simulated business situations through work based learning experiences .We are planning 46 mobilities in Ireland (42 mobilities for students lasting 3 weeks and 4 mobilities for staff) which will represent innovative forms of work based training in the form of simulated business: the foreign partners will organize job experiences and practical activities useful to gain good practice and to understand the concepts of responsible business and sustainable tourism in action; furthermore business simulation activities will be effected using in a practical way some cultural, formative, technical and operative tools useful to define their own business ideas (in particular the business plan) in the field of social business and sustainable tourism.We foresee the planning of 14 mobilities (8 weeks long each) in the same two years for internships in Ireland in Green Economy businesses and in the field of sustainable tourism. These mobilities will be assigned to students and newly graduated students from our Institute, who need to gain knowledge and vocational competences specific to their sector, together with interpersonal and linguistic competences, which can all help the transition to the labour market.Such experience should contribuite to increase the awareness and sensibility towards responsible business and direct towards an entrepreneurial role through the proposal of positive models; at the same time the activities of business simulation and the analysis of innovations and opportunities involved will represent an opportunity for the students to reach personal assertiveness, thus proving to be a learning method focused on the different students’needs/competences/wishes.Once come back to Italy from their mobilities, students will carry out some group work where they will apply their competences and knowledge in practical cases. These activities will also be performed with the cooperation of some experts from local organisations: Conitours and Industrial Union; in this way students will develop some entrepreneurial ideas of responsible businesses and sustainable tourism, applying them to features and needs of the local environment. Such ideas will then be directed in business plans which will be evaluated by a committee formed by teachers from the Grandis Institute and representatives from Industrial Union of Cuneo and Conitours).All this will be an integral part of the students’ formative course and some CLIL lessons (business economics and tourist management in English) will also be carried out on the examined subjects.Some literature will be created which might be shared and later used by other teachers interested in CLIL method teaching. New partnership abroad will be formed to work on projects and CLIL teaching units on sustainable tourism. The experiences carried out abroad will allow teachers to make their didactics relevant and conform it to the labour market. This will allow to add an international dimension to our curriculum also in our “daily” didactics with a great personal and professional enrichment for students, teachers and all the school community in general.
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