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Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In our project: „BUILDING WHICH TEACHES CHANGING THE WORLD” 34 students, who attended Comprehensive Schools of Building and Construction in Gdańsk, took part. These students acquired knowledge in professions such as construction technician and geodesy / surveyor technician. Appointed pupils took part in two-week placements (apprenticeships), which were held in two Andalusian cities located in southern Spain. 17 of them - those learning in the speciality of construction technician, had the training held in Sevilla. These students worked on the project concerning building energetically self-sufficient house. The remaining 17 pupils learning to be surveyor technicians took part in a geodesy apprenticeship held in Ubeda. The project lasted from 01.06.2015 to 31.05.2016. The project partners were: an advisory and training firm - EuroMind and a firm - Iniciativas el Condado and SAFA school. Our project fitted very well in the European growth strategy ‘Europa 2020’, which was also consistent with educational policy of our province, city and school. Taking into consideration growing importance of youth’s mobility flow and also bearing in mind the care of vocational education, we were undertaking actions which encouraged pupils to cooperate with foreign partners. The aim of the project was to support pupils in acquiring professional and social competences through getting familiar with new technologies related with construction and to strengthening both multicultural bonds and respect to mutually completed work. Thanks to taking part in this project our teachers got familiar with one of the European technical languages well enough to enable basic communication. Moreover, another aim of the project was to raise the European dimension of vocational school through starting cooperation with foreign job market and the institutions which develop building and construction. The teachers who took part in the project together with the students, were able to gain additional experience in setting and realising practical trainings in construction while making the use of computer system CAD and also in particular getting familiar with innovative solutions related with renewable energy. Our pupils, by gaining their first professional experience abroad, increased their knowledge, qualifications and essential in their profession skills which were directly related with new technologies in construction, becoming acquainted with innovative solutions related with renewable energy and mastering practical skills of computer system CAD usage. Methodology used for project purposes consisted of few stages which mutually played an important part and also determined project’s success. Methodology embraced all the actions undertaken by the project partners. These actions made the mobile workers ready for mobility, attractive practical training, accommodation in Andalusian cities and also monitoring evaluation and dissemination. Completing practical trainings in constructions in Spain let our pupils become familiar with different than in Poland solutions met in builder’s and geodesist’s work. As for social competences our pupils became enriched in learning from each other. They also practiced the ability to cooperate and to share gained knowledge. It had and will also have its impact on limiting the number of pupils finishing their education too early. The direct results also involved knowledge about tradition, history, culture and Spanish architecture. It will later become the sense of European togetherness. The long-term results will be tightly connected with vocational and social competences of our pupils. Undergoing the apprenticeship abroad developed the spirit of enterprise, quick reaction to work market changes and strengthened self esteem through overcoming personal weaknesses. It also developed faith in individual development possibilities which will have great impact on active and effective motion within the European work market in the future. Predicted, long-term and permanent influence of school’s actions on its graduate’s profile will be potentially successful, well-educated and socially active worker who will not be endangered by poverty or social elimination.
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