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BS Eichstätt goes international
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our project with the title „BS Eichstätt goes international“ consists of three activities, which will be explained below: A1: Mobility project for students at the ECBM The goal of our project with the European College for Business and Management (ECBM) was to send 40 students to London in order to improve their language, personal, vocational and intercultural skills and competences. In general we wanted to increase the employability of our students and the mobility on the international job market. The project was conducted in two flows of twenty students in 2014/15 and 15/16. The students aged 16 to 25 participated in the Professional Development Programme (PDP) and attended different courses (e. g. Project Management and Development, Effective Meetings, Business Communication, London as a Location for Business ...). Moreover, they took part in different excursions (Siemens Crystal, The Docklands, City of London ...) and trips. Most of the students were business students but due to the high interest we also accepted two students from the technical area. At the end of the course the students had to do a written and an oral test and had to submit an executive summary. All students got an attendance certificate, a certificate of the Chamber for Commerce and Industry and the Europass. Additionally, during the project the students improved and developed their personal skills and media competence as they had to orient themselves in a new surroundings, they used the ECVET instruments (language pass and CV) and they searched for information on the internet. The results of the project were published in the newspapers, in the annual school report, on the hompage, in the classes and at the graduation ceremony. As the feedback of the students, the employers and the teachers was very positive the project should result in further project with the ECBM and a new Erasmus project for technical students. A2: Mobility for teachers at the ECBM There were four teachers of the business and technical department who took part in our project with the ECBM. The teachers did a job shadowing in different courses and talked to other teachers and the organizers in order to learn about different classroom techniques and the organization of international projects for schools. Furthermore, they organized different excursions and trips for students. They developed their educational, organizational and language skills. The goal of this project is to enable teachers to plan and facilitate the project with the ECBM and with other international partners. Additionally, they can use different techniques and their languages skills in the classroom and share their knowledge and skills with our colleagues. Finally, the participants of this project support the internationalisation of our school actively and will support and organize the next student project at the ECBM. Moreover, they created a new project for technical students that will take place next year. A3: Mobility for teachers at the North West Regional College We could organize 2 Flows to Northern Ireland with 16 participants each. Our Partner Institution was the North West Regional College in Derry. The first flow took place in May 2015, the second one in May 2016. Total number of the outgoing flow was 32 teachers.The outgoing teachers came mostly out of the trade and crafts´sector, a neclectable number came from the Commercial Department. The two flows were identical and and had the same Programme. We travelled there on a Thrusday, on Friday we visited the Partner School, Where we paid a visit to all different Departments of the college. We equally received an introduction into the professional educational system of Northern Ireland and of our Partner Institution. At the Weekend the colleagues of the NWRC showed us round and took us to historical places in Northern ireland and the neighbouring republic of Ireland. During the following days we visited the School again, especially the Workshops and had talks and discussions with our Northern Irish colleagues equally as with the students of the college. In Addition we visited middle-sized Enterprises and sometimes we even had talks with the owners of the firms. The following week on Friday we flew back to Munich. As a result of the two outgoing flows we achieved the following results: After the first flow our colleagues were convinced that it is a great thing to send our apprentices to Derry on a 2 weeks´course and vicerversa to have students from Derry here with us in Eichstätt for an equal amount of time. The application on both sides for such a mobility project has already been successfully put f.orward. The financial support for our project has been approved and the next Project will start in the next academic year. A result after the 2nd flow wasagain a mutual Exchange Programme for teachers. They will go to the School and to firms to do Job shadowing and an internship. Both schools will apply for this next February in 2017.

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