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Brücken bauen. Europäische Bildungs- und Kulturarbeit in Dresden
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Sep 16, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

At the international meeting centre of the Foundation Brücke/Most, the Centre Brücke/Most, take place events with cultural, educational focus as well as face-to-face- encounters with topics realated to East-Central-Europe. The place opens possibilities for dialogue, cooperation and creativity. By its activities the Foundation Brücke/Most wants to strengthen the intercultural exchange between Germany, the Czech Republic, Poland as well as further East Central European countries, wants to encourage tolerance and European awareness. Our projects help to sensitize people from different countries to the history and the living situation of the other, to provide room for examinations with historical and societal topics among an intercultural group of participants and to support understanding, exchange of information and vital European contacts. The engagement of the two volunteers for 12 month each emphasises the openness and the inter- and transcultural objectives of the foundation. The volunteer - as an expert for its own cultural backgrounds - is able to stand up for the project and to fulfill a role within the project in a way the German colleagues cannot. The volunteers are distinguished as advisers and experts. Their knowledge of society, language and youth culture provides valuable impacts for the work of the foundation. The Foundation Brücke/Most wants to provide the volunteer an insight into the working fields "Culture" and "educational encounterss" of the foundation. As a permanent member of the team the volunteer is fully integrated in all processes within the foundation. He/she gains various competences such as multilingual working, adapting to different needs of groups and co-operation partners, intercultural communication, structuring of a project, questions of third-part-funds for projects, documentation, perseverance, patience and flexibility. The young person volunteering in the Foundation Brücke/Most will develop European awareness, will show dedication for the cultural education of youth, will support and cultivate the neigbourly relations and will be strengthen in his/her awareness as an European citizen. Working in the Foundation Brücke/Most the volunteer will get in contact with many young people from both countries. Therefore, he or she will be a role model and a multiplier for other young persons which can also apply for becoming a volunteer.

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