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Brownfield's Europe Regeneration Initiative (BERI)
Start date: Mar 31, 2004, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BERI seeks to contribute to the long-term sustainable development of brownfield sites throughout Europe. The project intends to promote holistic brownfield development by adopting an approach which balances the financial, social, economic, heritage and environmental pressures. By creating a new European network to share experience and collaborate on brownfield developments, BERI intends to influence future policy at all levels using the examples derived from experiences and the outputs of the network partners. Achievements: Achievements so far The focus of the INTERREG IIIC project BERI is sharing experience by means of a practical, case study based approach. Shared learning has been the key element in this final stage of the project. The activities in this milestone provided the opportunity to exploit the foundations that had been developed since the establishment of the BERI project. Each project partner had identified themes of Brownfield regeneration that they would like to learn more about with the aid of partners who have more experience in these areas. The process was based on shared learning and the exchange of expertise operated as a series of seminars and workshops to be held at different partner locations. The seminars and workshops focused on the key Brownfield regeneration issues that have been identified from the activities of the BERI project: economics, community involvement, environment, heritage, planning and public realm. The content for the seminars were theoretical based and focused on identifying key issues on a broad context. The workshops were organised as two day events in order to allow more applicable content identified in the seminars to be explored thoroughly and in a practical manner. Most of the seminars took already place in the previous milestone. An environment seminar was held in Belfast and Lyon facilitated an economic seminar in Rostock and one in Flanders. Rostock hosted a heritage seminar support by an expert from Tallinn and Stockholm accommodated a heritage expert from Dublin. Follwing the seminars 12 specific workshops took place in the partners' locations: public realm experts from Stockholm were in Belfast and Dublin, experts for community involvement from Belfast were in Stockholm and Tallinn, Stockholm planning experts were in Tallinn and a planning expert from Dublin was in Lyon and in Flanders; environmental experts from Flanders were in Belfast and economic consultants from Lyon were in Rostock and Flanders. Rostock hosted a heritage workshop supported by experts from Tallinn and a heritage consutant from Dublin facilitated a workshop in Stockholm. A report of this shared learning process was published and all the presentations of the seminars and workshops can be accessed on the BERI website. The website and the incorporated Virtual Masterplan were further enhanced.
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  • 56.2%   796 290,81
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform

9 Partners Participants