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Bridging Distances 2016
Start date: Jul 11, 2016, End date: Jul 10, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our School prepares students to be Pilots and Air Traffic Controllers, jobs they might be performing wherever in the world. Their job requires skills and competence complying with international standards. This is why the experience abroad Erasmus + suggests is a particularly attractive one for their teachers as well as school staff, who could experience and pass on them the European dimension they have gained. Moreover, the project would allow teachers to meet the requirements from the Ministry of Education concerning CLIL methodology for technical subjects by improving their communicative competence in English.The plan includes 25 mobilities • 4 mobilities for administrative staff * 4 business english courses aiming at developing written and oral skills • 21 mobilities for teachers * 10 CLIL methodology courses for technical subjects teachers, who will, at the same time, improve their english * 4 english courses for technical subject teachers who need to get certified to be entitled to teach using the CLIL methodology * 6 methodology centred activities to improve teaching skills *1 school management activity to experience school management abroadThe activities aim at• motivating staff• improving school management competences• promoting changes in the institution organization of teaching and learning • improving teachers’ teaching skills and foreign language competence • introducing new teaching methods or tools The mobility plan is intended to show its impact on the participants and the participant organization. The expected results are:• for the teachers involved in CLIL courses, to increase the percentage of CLIL modules in their classes by the use of the new methods acquired• for the students, to get new motivation from new teaching methods and improve their performances• for the institution, an impulse to plan cultural exchanges to promote the students’ feeling of belonging to the European Community• the increase of e-Twinnings for all subjects• a larger number of teachers certified for CLIL teaching• better organization and language skills for administrative staff• better communicating skills to plan and organize stages and ‘on the job’ training courses with foreign partners • increased extracurricular curricular activities All this will help bridge the gap between what has been done and what is still to do to gain the European dimension our students need to meet the requirements of testing and training wherever in Europe.Co-operating, sharing experiences, agreeing on goals, comparing results, living new contexts will facilitate professional relationship and will be the first step to new partnerships with proposals descending on what has been learned.
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