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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project title: 'We Don’t Want To Be A Stereotype?' A range of topics will explore the concept and idea of stereotyping and citizenship. Topics will explore what we think we know about others and their country. • Who are they? • What do they do in their free time? • What do their families do in their community? • What games do they play? • What food do they eat? • What local stories do they know? The aim is to engage in intercultural and national learning. Whilst staff and pupils increase their awareness of European culture, the project also aims to develop personal creativity and to explore the concept of the stereotype through song, writing etc. The creative approach of the project will naturally enable a high level of participation and enjoyment from all pupils including those with Special Educational Needs, pupils with learning difficulties, early-school leavers, lower qualified persons. Children will write articles, upload photos and video clips, recipes, multilingual dictionary and a range of similar productive activities. Not only will this will lead to greater improvement of language skills and greater self-esteem for all pupils, the end products will be disseminated to all partner schools via website and mail for exhibition. We would also like to include features about our family life and our locality. This project would bring a flavour of the participating countries to the wider school community and break down cultural stereotypes and barriers. The communication language will be English. Partners will make effective use of emails, some social networks, videoconferencing etc. The main objectives are to: Identify stereotypes and how they are constructed Recognize the benefits and rewards of cultural diversity in our schools and communities Give children first hand learning experiences e.g. interviews Provide communities with the opportunity to work together Use technology as a communication and learning tool Provide opportunities for the inclusion of all pupils For pupils and adults to develop an understanding of what it means to be a European citizen. Develop European language skills through the project and incorporate them into the curriculum Enrich the teaching methods in their own schools and partners’ schools There will be 64 coordinator and teachers in meetings,10 teachers for accompanying 40 pupils in exchange activities in February 2015 in Italy and in February 2016 in Poland it will be hold Learning/Teaching/Trainig Activities for 5 day with the participate of the 8 pupils from every school. Since Italy and Poland will join one activity as they will be guests they will join with 16 students in one time so that equality will be provided. The activity days will be an inclusion of learning, teaching and training activities organization and pupils will be in real situation so they will have experienced project works.It will allow students to train and realizing the project works, developing their multicultural understanding. Methodology Project team will be created in each school / Erasmus+ corners will be prepared/Digital monitor will be placed / Posters and brochures will be designed / The students will contact each other. / Project will be presented to the beneficiars / Mini-conferences for stakeholders / Applying initial questionnaire and evalution form Every project meeting has three step. Preparation,Meeting and Dissemination. Preparation for the meeting: Preparing presentations / Doing activities on sub-topic / A leaflet of daily words and expressions / Travel Manuals In project meeting planned and prepared activities will be done by participating of all partner schools. Host schools will organise the programme and there will be activities on sub-topic, presentations, games and sport activities for pupils, volunteer quest teachers’ perofrming classes, cultural visits, lesson observations, evaluation meeting and cultural evening. After the meeting there will be dissemination activities in every school; A photo album of activities / A mini local conference / Articles will be written in the local press / Updating the website / Updating the project corner in the school / Updating Digital Monitor At the end of the first year Project annual and a calendar with project photos and project products will be prapared. At the end of the second year; applying final questionnaire and evalution form, project annual, , a calendar with project photos and project products, observing and writing final report of the project, DVD with videos, short films, sport activities, concert, presentations and photos, an exhibition of international products, a mini-dictionary of daily words and expressions, a booklet with photos, articles and students' impressions, statistical analysis of the initial and final questionnaires and evaluation forms, publish a special edition of school newspaper To provide long lasting; memory boks at school for students and teachers and durable Works by students

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