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Brave Enough to be Entrepreneur
Start date: Jan 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

„Brave Enough to be Entrepreneur“, acronym „BEE“ is international youth exchange which was initiated by youth leaders from Lithuania, Turkey, Poland, Romania and Italy. This project will gather 30 young people from 16 till 25 years, from mentioned countries. Participants will do actions in Rokiškis city, Lithuania, at 2015 year May 9-18 days. Our aim: creative, entrepreneur, active youth. This we will be reaching by giving opportunity for youngsters to find their talents, to try out different crafts, to create business plan and try practically their business ideas. During the project participants will be introduced with non-formal learning, with Erasmus+ program opportunities, will have chance to discuss about business with local entrepreneurs and persons from Rokiškis city municipality. To the project we are willing to attract persons, for who this project will be most useful: youth with less opportunities and facing youth unemployment problem. The priority will be given for who didn‘t participated in internatiolan youth projects, yet. In international youth exchange will get know each other, will gain various competencies,will get know different cultures, will be participating in actions dedicated to improve self-creativity, entrepreneurship, will be learning to work in team and also during the project participants will start to prepare new youth exchanges ideas. This youth exchange project deals with youth unemployment problem, which is still important problem in countries which are partners in this project. We realize that we can‘t solve youth unemployment problem in one day, so we are solving one of the reasons – lack of competences. Youth exchange „BEE“ also satisfy youth needs to spend time thoughtfully, meaningfully and cheerfully, to get know with new people, cultures and gives opportunity to learn in fun and safe way. In project we will use these non-formal learning methods: energizers, ice-breakers, work in pairs, work in groups, team building, trust building, interactive presentations, workshops, role-plays, simulations, debates , discussions, reflection groups, evaluation and etc. We believe that project will encourage youth to take „follow-up“ actions in Erasmus+ program, to continue actions related with creativity and entrepreneurship, to use business plan and develop their created business ideas. To run this project will help Rokiškis youth center.
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4 Partners Participants