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Brains at school - knowledge is power! / Mózgi w szkole - wiedza jest potęgą!
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Brains at school – knowledge is power! The idea of the project was born out of the need of getting answers for the questions 'How to teach?' and 'How to learn?' in today's reality when we are flooded with information. Students often can't learn autonomously and many of them quickly feel discouraged and they take on a passive attitude. Neurodidactics seems to be the answer for this important issue. It deals with the usage of neurobiological dicoveries in practical teaching, shows what helps and what disturbs the process of learning. It also analyses the influence of ICT on effective teaching and learning. This neurodidactic knowledge is crucial for the school effectiveness that should be brain and student friendly. This approach should help students and teachers in their everyday school activities. Neurodidactics has a great potential because it gives knowledge about the power included in human brains and guidance for better development of this incredible organ. For these reasons the primary purpose of the project is searching, promoting and practical usage of the neurodidactics approach in learning and teaching in order to develop the key competents among the students and in particular their ability of autonomous learning and using ICT in practical learning as well as teaching. To achieve the main goals of the project many activities are going to be held: - getting information about brain: its structure, dynamics, factors supporting and disturbing its activity and finally compiling and disseminating publications containing factual information ('Brain ABC' and a board game), - getting information about the theory of multiple inteligences and learning styles, - preparing and carrying out a survey on the ways of spending a day / week by the students, - creating a Polish-Engilsh-Romanian-Italian dictionary with the basic vocabulary and expressions useful during the work on the brain knowledge and students' meetings, - organising a series of 'Brain friendly lessons' in every partner school according to the neurodidactic knowledge; the lessons are going to be prepared by the students and the teachers and then they will be filmed with English subtitles included; each filmed lesson will be send to the other partners and discussed during the students' meetings, - creating and running a website of the project where relevant information will always be posted, - creating and sending a newsletter (every two months) on students' email boxes including information about the project, - preparing and regular updated showcase presenting current project events, - publishing a school magazine 'Brains at School' including useful information about brain, brain friendly ways of learning and teaching, titbits, logical games and riddles and many others; each partner school is going to prepare two pages of the magazine, - a small contest organised every month connected with maths and logic, published in newsletters, a school magazine and on the website of the project, - creating motivating stickers which are going to stimulate the students' activity, - creating a guide 'How to learn friendly?' as a summary of a two-year cooperation devoted to getting knowlege and skills supporting students' autonomy in learning; - organising two workshops about time management and ICT, - organising a conference with a performance 'Brains at School', photo exhibition and promotion of materials created during the project time. The most important benefit from this project is gaining knowledge about the neurodidactics and ICT and their practical usage both by the students and teachers. We believe that it will have a great impact on school improvement so the students will learn better and more effectively and the teachers will know how to support young people in this process. Futhermore each European project needs groupwork, improves the individual development of every participant, gives openess to diversity and ecourages to learning foreign languages which are constructive lifelong learning skills.
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