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Boosting broadmindedness
Start date: Jan 1, 2016, End date: Mar 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project description"Boosting broadmindedness" project will be handling the themes of inclusion, youth (participation, youth work, youth policy) and social dialogue. Project will start 1.1.2016 and it will be located in the city of Hyvinkää and Riihimäki and municipal of Loppi, Finland. We will select three volunteers for our project. They all will work in our Youth workshops as a helping workshop trainers/ instructors and role models for our aged 17-25 years trainees. Volunteer 1 will work in Startti workshop, volunteer 2 will work in Café Harju workshop and volunteer 3 will work at Työmylly Loppi workshop. We are looking for volunteers for 10 months period.Project environmentThere are three different workshops where EVS volunteers will work. 1) Startti workshop: This workshop is located in the center of Hyvinkää city. The green and vibrant Hyvinkää is a town of 45 000 people in northern Uusimaa, a 45-minute train ride from Helsinki. At the Startti workshop young trainees (aged 17-25) are getting support and guidance to their independent, everyday life. Working in a group will strengthen them socially and motivate to make future plans. Trainees are working with different kind of tasks, e.g. arts& handicrafts, outdoor work, daily cleaning and cooking, writing cv:s and job applications. At Startti we are carrying out Green Care-ideology so nature and being outdoors is a part of our activities.2) Another workshop is in the City of Riihimäki and is called Café Harju workshop: Riihimäki is a town and municipality in the south of Finland, about 69 kilometres north of Helsinki. Riihimäki is a dynamic, developing town, with excellent transport links on the Helsinki–Tampere axis. Journeys within the town are short. At the Café Harju youth (aged 17-25) can get real work experience in genuine Café environment. All the tasks relating to keep the Cafe Harju up and running are mostly performed by the youth in this workshop. HRAKS employees will train and teach the youth on all the necessary skills needed working in Café. Café Harju is located in city`s swimming hall.3) Työmylly Loppi workshop: Loppi is a small municipality of 8500 people about 30 km from city of Hyvinkää and 20 km from city of Riihimäki. Loppi is in a rural area, so the nature and outdoor activities are nearby. At the Työmylly Loppi workshop trainees work in different tasks for example at the flea market (customer service, pricing and marketing), outdoor services and handicraft work using recycled material. Volunteer will use a local bus traffic between Loppi-Riihimäki.Startti, Cafe Harju and Työmylly Loppi volunteers will live near Hyvinkää and Riihimäki citycenters in an apartment or live in a student room. In both cases sharing kitchen and bathroom with other students and volunteers. It is easy to use bicycle or walk in Hyvinkää and Riihimäki but there is also local bus traffic. Between Hyvinkää and Riihimäki there`s also a local train traffic.Main tasks for EVS volunteers at HRAKS workshopsThe main task for the EVS volunteer is to bring piece of internationality and culture to our daily work and help the youngsters of HRAKS to develop their international skills and knowledge. During their project volunteers can strengthen various skills and abilities, such as public speaking, pedagogic abilities, organization skills and organization of events, through their daily work with young trainees and through the non-formal learning. There will also be a possibility to learn the Finnish language. Our organisation is very flexible and open for the volunteers own interests and knowledge. It is possible for EVS -volunteers to use their background with culture, sports, photography, design etc. as part of their EVS project. We are offering good enthusiastic atmosphere in our work community. EVS volunteer will work as helping workshop trainer/ instructor in different kinds of activities and work. He/she will take part of planning activities and work tasks for trainees and step by step start to lead them by himself/herself. The EVS volunteer will be an extra resource and work side by side with the employees in the daily work. The weekly schedule will be discussed in the beginning of each week, since the activities in the workshop are changing and flexible depending on the people taking part in the activities, season etc. Volunteers will work five days a week, 35 hours per week, 7 hours per day and they will have the same national celebration days free as our employees. They will also have two vacation days per month and they can use them as agreed.Every volunteer will receive a certificate Youthpass.We want to change attitudes between people and incourage people to be more tolerant. We wish to improve social dialogue and create good atmosphere for it. As an organisation we want to be more dynamic, modern, professional and committed. We want to be open minded and ready to embrace good practises and new working methods in daily life.
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