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Bongaa parhaat pedagogiset ideat!
Start date: Nov 1, 2016, End date: Oct 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objectives of the project ”Bongaa parhaat pedagogiset ideat!” are the following: - to strengthen the know-how of librarians who develop pedagogical services for adult customers, especially immigrants- to find new ideas for developing pedagogical services for adult customers- to find new partners for developing pedagogical services for adult customersAs a result of the project, we will have a clearer view about how Vantaa City Library will best function as a learning environment for the adult customers.Finding ideas and partners for this is now more important than ever before. When reading books was the most common method of learning, the purpose of the library was clear, but now learning is about creativity and doing things together and it has become life-long.Vantaa City Library has been developing pedagogical services for adult customers actively for many years. During the last years we have understood that we must emphasise developing pedagogical services even more. Thus, about a year ago Vantaa City Library has established an unit of pedagogical services, which develops pedagogical services for customers of all ages in all libraries. Eight staff members will participate this project, some of them pedagogical staff from the pedagogical unit, others developing pedagogical services for adults in certain libraries or projects.The best ideas for developing pedagogical services for adults can be spotted either by travelling to international conferences or visiting the most innovative European libraries. The staff members of Vantaa City Library have been on trips like this before, but the amount of the trips has been low because of financial reasons. This project includes four conference trips and four job shadowing -trips. Every participant of the project sums up the best ideas found on his/her trip in a report. They should also consider whether these ideas are in accordance with the values and strategy of Vantaa City Library and whether the ideas could be applied in Vantaa as well. In addition, they write in their reports whether they have found contacts that could be useful in the European library co-operation in the near future. The participants evaluate their own learning using Youthpass. When all the trips are over, the participants gather for a workshop where everyone presents their findings. They discuss their findings together and decide what ideas, according to their opinion, could be applied in Vantaa City Library. They also sum up what kind of a vision of a library as a learning environment for adults they have after gathering and sharing all these ideas. The results of the workshop are presented to the board of directions and they make the final decision of which ideas can be applied in Vantaa.If the project succeeds, the pedagogical staff will have better pedagogical skills and there will be new pedagogical services for adult customers in Vantaa City Library. The results of the project will be shared to other Finnish libraries and partners of the projects in a Bongaa parhaat ideat! – blog. At the European level we wish to find new partners, with whom we can plan new, innovative projects with.

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