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Binding design and paper conservation of antique books, albums and documents

Reason for the project: Larger established bookbinding workshops have been closed and a lot of small ateliers occurred. The binding sections of the large printing factories have been automatized and many workers lost their jobs. A lot of binding sections in the libraries have been closed because of the tightening budgets and reduced visitors after the Internet expansion. Other negative tendency, the printing and bookbinding industry shifted the investments to Asia. However, Last few decades there is an increasing demand for artistic bindings,for the old libraries' and archives' collections and the expansion of the Internet trade with old books. In relation to the bookbinding, the conservation and restoration area grows. But most of the existing training materials are covering part of the problems, old fashioned. There is a lack of training tools, including such skills like entrepreneurship, intercultural learning, green skills etc. The general aim of the project is to provide modern training materials and tools for vocational training for bookbinding and paper restoration. The project will empower the target group (listed below) via transfer and development of training materials for bookbinding, paper and photo restoration and development of modules for several key competencies (entrepreneurship, intercultural learning etc.). The project target groups include: bookbinders (self-employed) and workers in small bookbinding workshops/ateliers, unemployed workers from former large bookbinding workshops or printing factories, unemployed individuals willing to develop their entrepreneurship and professional skills in the area, young artists, vocational trainers or team leaders in the restoration sections in libraries/archives.Consortium involves partners with vast experience and traditions in bookbinding, paper and photography restoration from Netherlands, Italy, Austria and Bulgaria. Consortium partners represent the different key players in the area - libraries, universities working in written heritage preservation, private bookbinding companies, educational foundations and NGO's. Outcomes are including (but not limited to) module-based manual, a set of 8 online training modules, bookbinding design toolkit, establishment of piloting center (workshop) for bookbinding, piloting and dissemination activities. All the materials will be translated in core partner languages;Impact: increased capacity of bookbinders and small workshops, provided assistance to young entrepreneurs, unemployed people from former binding sections of print factories, empowerment of VET providers in the area of bookbinding, modernization of the training tools and approaches in the field;
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4 Partners Participants