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Bilişim ve Elektrik Elektronikte Yeni Teknikler ve Teknolojiler
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Sep 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The adaptation of advanced technology to production brings an attack in terms of employment. The use of technological machines instead of human beings causes people to use machines by waiving from their own manhandling and thus it is possible to develop a robust production system. Education system has an important role in training people who may comply with this new advanced technology. It is also important for us that the education system should develop a strategy for informing students about innovations in the world instead confining them to school. From this point of view, the main purpose of the Project is to provide the students to observe the innovations related to their fields, advance their professional competencies and foreign language skills and increase their cultural levels. The students visited Czech Republic and Lithuania and investigated the education and production organizations on site in the scope of the Project. The mutual information share was ensured and the students had experiences in new education and production methods. The participant group of the Project is consisted of total 44 students from 11th and 12nd classes of Information Technologies and Electric and Electronic departments of Giresun Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School and 22 students from each department form one group of participants. There are two accompanying teachers for each mobility activity. It was also provided that one teacher for each group participated in the mobility activity financed under institutional support item in the Project budget because of high number of participant students in each group. The training mobility to Czech Republic and Lithuania were the main activities of the Project. 22 students, studying in Electric and Electronics Department, went to Czech Republic in the scope of the first mobility activity of the Project. The students had trainings in indoor energy systems in Czech institution SS-COPTH and advanced their competencies and skills. The participants were the students who studied in electrical installation and wall frame monitoring fields and they were selected among the students who had completed and passed the common courses to participate in these trainings. In the second mobility of the Project, 22 students from Information Technologies department visited Lithuania for training in web programming subject. The students from Information Technologies department were trained in Introduction to Interactive Web Applications in UAB GlobaliosIdejos. The students were selected among students who completed Scripting Language (Javascript) module and aimed to be specialized in web programming field of profession. The participant group was consisted of students who met the preconditions of the course titled Introduction to Interactive Web Applications and had theoretical and applied information about the subject since they established their career targets in specialization in web programming field. The participants, who visited Lithuania, also went to Latvia and had chance to visit and see this country as a result of organization made by the foreign partner of the Project. The participants, who studied in Information Technologies Department, learnt how to set up and apply a program to develop interactive web applications and also learnt the elements forming the structure of a web application as a result successfully completion of the mobility in the scope of the Project. The participants, who studied in Electric and Electronics Department, learnt the characteristics of overhead lines and underground lines to apply the energy inlet methods. In addition to this professional information, the students had information about foreign countries and different cultures. It was observed that the students had acquisitions such as development of self-confidence and acting as independent individuals at the end of mobility. In addition to this, the institutional capacity and Project implementation experience of Giresun Vocational and Technical Anatolian High School increased. The High School has the desired personnel to apply for and participate in new projects in the future based on this experience in implementation of mobility projects. It is aimed to share the Project outputs with the students of technical high schools in the province and surrounding provinces in long-term. Thus, it will be possible that the vocational training and education organizations in higher number will have information about and take advantages of foreign countries mobility projects in Giresun province and surrounding cities.
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